Cloudflare CDN

CloudFlare designed its CDN (Content Delivery Network) without the legacy of the last 15 years. Our proprietary technology takes advantage of recent changes to hardware, web server technology and network routing. In other words, we’ve built the next-generation CDN. The result is a CDN that is easier to setup, more affordable, and performs better than any legacy CDN you’ve tried before.


SQLite vs MySQL vs PostgreSQL: A Comparison Of Relational Database Management Systems

Disadvantages of PostgreSQL

  • Performance:

For simple read-heavy operations, PostgreSQL can be an over-kill and might appear less performant than the counterparts, such as MySQL.


When Not To Use PostgreSQL

  • Speed:

If all you require is fast read operations, PostgreSQL is not the tool to go for


  • Replication:

Unless you are willing to spend the time, energy and resources, achieving replication with MySQL might be simpler for those who lack the database and system administration experience.