The Franciscan Path of Descent

If we are not marginalized ourselves in some way, we normally need to associate with some marginalized group to have an enlightened Gospel perspective and to be converted to compassion.

..  Francis actually moved even further down, into the plain below Assisi where there was a leper colony. (The word “leper,” even in the Bible, is a term referring generally to the excluded ones. They did not always have the contagious disease of leprosy, but they were the people society had deemed unacceptable, unworthy, or shameful for any number of reasons.) On that plain was an abandoned, ruined church, which Francis physically rebuilt.

.. We were not to identify with the upper class, nor with the climb toward success, power, and money. Rather, we were to go where Jesus went, which was wherever the pain was.

.. He wanted his followers to be “blue collar” ministers who lived close to the people in every way, and not “white collar” superiors. However, poor Francis was not long in his grave before the Church started ordaining as many Franciscan men as possible–who soon wore stiff white Roman collars. It gave us access, credibility, status, and stipends in academia, church, and society. I know that it was probably inevitable, and not all bad, but it is indeed dangerous for the soul.



The 10th Commandment: Coveting our Neighbor’s Goods

It is the inherent nature of greed–there is never enough. For some reason this is no longer considered a capital sin in our capitalist society. In fact, I have never heard anyone confess an offense against the 10th commandment. “Coveting our neighbor’s goods” is the very nature of our society.

Letting Go as a Way of Life

We become free as we let go of our three primary energy centers: our need for power and control, our need for safety and security, and our need for affection and esteem.

.. But for some diversionary reason we thought the narrow path had to do with private asceticism (usually in regard to the body), instead of simple-living, altruism, non-violence, and peacemaking.

.. Much of Christian history has placed the emphasis on making sexuality the entire issue instead of just one issue.

Jesus Is InterFace with God

the only thing that really converts people at a deep level is seeing “the face of the other.” Receiving and empathizing with the other leads to transformation of the whole person. This exchange is prepared to transform both persons–the seer and the seen. According to Levinas, the face of the other, especially the suffering face of another person, creates a moral demand on your heart and your mind that is far more compelling than the Ten Commandments.