Baby’s Development Month by Month

At the earliest stage, the new person is referred to as a zygote and is no larger than a single grain of sand.

.. A function called implantation happens from five to nine days after fertilization.

.. Once he/she has implanted, your baby is called a blastocyst and is about 0.1 – 0.2 mm in diameter.

.. Between weeks three and four (18 to 25 days after fertilization) the developing baby’s heart begins to beat. Arm and leg buds form. The face – eyes, ears, nose and mouth – begin to take form.

.. Month Two  .. Your baby now is only about one inch long and weighs no more than one whole peanut.

.. The lining of the placenta begins to develop but does not take over the production of hormones until about week 12. Brain waves are detected.

.. When you see your baby through ultrasound at week six, you’d be amazed by how much he or she has already developed.

.. the end of month two, your baby receives a new technical name to describe his/her development: fetus

.. All organs are present – and most are functioning – although some need more time to develop. The irises of the eyes develop, fingernails are visible and your baby can curl his/her fingers around an object. He or she also hiccups, has taste buds on the tongue and tooth buds in the gums.

.. Month Three
Your baby can smile, make funny faces. She/he can practice “breathing” the amniotic fluid in/out of the lungs, all 20 teeth are formed and waiting to develop. Your baby is now approximately one ounce in weight

.. At 15 weeks, loud sounds may actually cause baby to startle. Some moms and dads find that quiet music played near mom’s tummy will cause baby to relax and calm down.

.. Month Four
Your baby is now about eight inches tall from head to toe.

Code Red For Christian Doctors

Doctors in the United States cannot be forced to perform abortions or assist suicides. But that may soon change. Bioethicists and other medical elites have launched a frontal assault against doctors seeking to practice their professions under the values established by the Hippocratic Oath. The campaign’s goal? To force doctors, nurses, pharmacists, and others in the health field who hold pro-life or orthodox religious views to choose between their careers and their convictions.

.. Ezekiel Emanuel—one of Obamacare’s principal architects—coauthored with Ronit Y. Stahl an attack on medical conscience in the New England Journal of Medicine, perhaps the world’s most prestigious medical journal. When advocacy of this kind is published by the NEJM, it is time to sound the air raid sirens.

.. The authors take an absolutist position, claiming that personal morality has no place in medical practice. Under the pretext of “patients’ rights” and a supposed obligation of doctors to adhere to the medical moral consensus—a tyranny of the majority, if you will—Emanuel and Stahl would prohibit doctors from conscientiously objecting

.. Health care professionals who are unwilling to accept these limits have two choices: select an area of medicine, such as radiology, that will not put them in situations that conflict with their personal morality or, if there is no such area, leave the profession.

.. The goal is to cleanse healthcare of all those who would dare to practice medicine in accord with sanctity-of-life moral viewpoints.

.. “If they make compliance a matter of licensure, there will be nowhere to hide,” said this physician. “And then what do you do if you’re three hundred thousand dollars in debt from medical school, and have a family with three kids and a sick parent?

.. Canada is already farther along the road to this dystopian future.