Postgres: Freezing Your Tuples Off

You can see how close you are to autovacuum freeze anywhere with this query:

select max(age(datfrozenxid)) from pg_database;

However, you don’t generally really care about that; what you care about is “how close am I to forced autovacuum freeze on a large table?” Here’s that:

SELECT relname, age(relfrozenxid) as xid_age,
pg_size_pretty(pg_table_size(oid)) as table_size
FROM pg_class
WHERE relkind = ‘r’ and pg_table_size(oid) > 1073741824
ORDER BY age(relfrozenxid) DESC LIMIT 20;

More specifically, that says “give me the top 20 tables over 1GB, sorted by the age of their oldest XID”. Results look something like this:

relname | xid_age | table_size
postgres_log | 199785216 | 12 GB
statements | 4551790 | 1271 MB
normal_statement_times | 31 | 12 GB

Postgres: Horizontalal Sharding

How should I shard my databases?

This is entirely dependent on the access patterns of your application. A good rule, though, is to look at your indexes. If every query goes through an index on :user_id, then chances are that you should shard on :user_id. If half of your queries go through :user_id and the other half go through:job_id, then you may need to create two sets of shards, each with its own model, and have your application write to both.