Slate: Beautiful static documentation for your API

Slate helps you create beautiful API documentation. Think of it as an intelligent, responsive documentation template for your API.

.. Slate is just Markdown — when you write docs with Slate, you’re just writing Markdown, which makes it simple to edit and understand. Everything is written in Markdown — even the code samples are just Markdown code blocks!

How to undo (almost) anything with Git

Fix the last commit message

Scenario: You just typo’d the last commit message, you did git commit -m "Fxies bug #42" but before git push you realized that really should say “Fixes bug #42”.

Undo with: git commit --amend or git commit --amend -m "Fixes bug #42"

What’s happening: git commit --amend will update and replace the most recent commit with a new commit that combines any staged changes with the contents of the previous commit. With nothing currently staged, this just rewrites the previous commit message.

Undo “local” changes

Scenario: The cat walked across the keyboard and somehow saved the changes, then crashed the editor. You haven’t committed those changes, though. You want to undo everything in that file—just go back to the way it looked in the last commit.

Undo with: git checkout -- <bad filename>