Quoting Realvideo clips

In my last post, quoting a C-SPAN RealVideo clip of Donald Rumsfeld, I discovered a syntax to specify the beginning and end of the clip.

Pete Peterson:
Douglas 'Pete' Peterson

“I’ve been informed that this occasion is also being webcast. Someday I’m going to have to figure out what that means exactly, but it’s apparently very significant” (audience laughs) (21:57/53:56)




Querystring time selection is a very important feature– the equivalent of “page numbers” in print — but client implementations could be improved:

  • Client Programs should allow users to easily scroll forward or backward,
    beyond the specified selection. This would allow the viewer to quickly view the context of the quote
  • Counters should be based on either:
    • Date-Time: (2003-01-01 13:21:31 EST)
    • The Beginning of the Video: (0)

    Counters based on the query string start are useful, but tell the viewer nothing of the context.

Other Media Formats

A Quicktime/Windows media player version of the CFR speech is also available. I do not know how clip selection works in these formats.