The controversy over manipulating climate change

Reflecting sunlight only works during the day, whereas greenhouse gases warm the planet all the time. So a globally warmed and geo-engineered world would have warmer nights and cooler days than one in which levels of greenhouse gases had never risen in the first place. Sulphate-cooling is most effective in summer and least effective in winter.

.. Mr Keith imagines a geo-engineered world in which India has a run of dry years, with its seasonal monsoon rains falling short. It would be impossible to prove that geo-engineering was responsible, just as you cannot ascribe any particular typhoon to a warmed climate. But this would not matter much to the millions of hungry people looking for someone to blame. If humans are to take charge of controlling the climate, then they will be held responsible, fairly or otherwise, for its effects. Whose hands will be on the controls, and how will that person be chosen?