Why would you do this?
Why would you do this?
This is a throwback audit that was definitely underrated. Since this was going up on Facebook I decided to upload for the new subscribers
These clowns are unfortunately exemplary specimens of the 2 worst traits in law enforcement… paranoia and low intelligence. As a bonus they are excellent in wasting funds for a frivolous pursuit of answers
Holy shit the amount of money in maintenance for flight time is crazy. They spent all that money just to film you filming. They got some really good footage too. Got better footage of the facility than you ever would have got. They are so dumb 😅
My blood boiled just watching this. The fact that Leo’s are taking a lawful activity and trying to turn it into an illegal activity is disgusting. Interesting how they confront someone who is a law abiding citizen but when it comes criminals who attack innocent people they refuse to take action.
He’d doesn’t have any ID and does not want to Identify himself. Cop Code for he’s a troublemaker. Time to escalate and intimidate.
When you know you exist to harm and not help the public, you [police] will be terrified when the public video records the public building from which you harm the public.
It’s a shame how their enthusiasm stops at the entrance to a school shooting.
You have to love the irony in the expenditure of resources for a non crime and the lack of action for a real crime and threat. Truly only cowards would exert such power against a citizen who is not committing a crime and hide when a person is killing children and teachers. The only reason they approached that man is because he didn’t pose a threat.Edit: The helicopter would run between 380 and 420 an hour just for fuel.
The footage from the helicopter was probably more valuable to someone trying to gather Intel on the building than any footage from his cameras.
After awhile the things they say just start sounding not only the same but just insane. this is madness.
If what the cops are doing to this guy is not harassment, I don’t know what is.
2016 seems like 1000 years ago in the scope of 1st amendment audits. The ridiculous over reaction to Phil walking down the side walk with a camera is beyond the pale. A chopper, troopers blocking off traffic, officers back away from him as if he is carrying a bazooka. Absolute insanity.
Too bad they are to scared to protect our children like they protect “their” building.
Imagine treating people so badly that you’re afraid they’re gonna come blow up your building.
Handled PERFECTLY, Phillip. As soon as you said, almost under your breath, “Am I detained” they said “No” and you immediately began walking away. Yet, he insisted that you weren’t being detained after physically blocking your exit.
“We need your ID so if this building gets blown up we can blame you for it. Come on man, why wont you give your ID?!”
I have to stop around 3:50, to point out that the police officer doesn’t even seem to know when 9/11 actually happened.He points out in the last (5) years, but 9/11 happened in 2001. If this was in 2016, then 9/11 was 15 years prior not 5 years. What was it that happened in The Last 5 Years prior to this video that’s got him so worked up? DHHS memo Maybe?
I remember this. These guys want to be knee deep in an “incident” so badly. “Why would you want to?”
Fascinating response to filming places they deem odd. Their paranoia is fueled when you don’t sheepishly comply with their questions. They know it is a consensual conversation but get more alarmed when you lack their same desire to talk to them.
The fact that LE reversed AGAINST TRAFFIC to follow a person with a camera, risking an accident is just astonishing.
“It may be a matter of interest to others. That’s why I’m recording.”They couldn’t understand that. But 1 hour after you post it, there are 11,000 views. There will be 250,000 views in a week or two, if not more.
When you asked him a question.. “what’s odd about taking pictures of a public building”, his answer was just, “because”. Imagine the response you would get if you answered their questions by saying, “because”!
“We want to ID you” because you’ll be the first one to be arrested if something happens.
Ha, they gave you even better footage of the building/grounds (via the COPter Cam) than you could capture on the ground…Silly Cops tricks are for Auditors!
Watching this vintage video and thinking how bad the DPS has been withholding information on the Ulvade shooting. I cant trust them AT ALL!