Google Glass Review
A wearable computer will be more of an awareness device, noting what you’re doing and delivering alerts precisely when you need them, in sync with your other devices: when you’re near a grocery store, you will be told you’re low on vegetables, and an actual shopping list will be sent to your phone, where longer text is more easily read. Depending on your desire for more alerts, this could be regarded as either annoying or lifesaving. But as Libin puts it, “The killer app for this is hyperawareness.”
.. According to Steve Lee, the Glass design team “looked into facial-recognition technology early on” but chose not to pursue it. “Clearly, this is something the broader public is concerned about,” Lee says, “so we took the additional step of banning facial-recognition Glassware for Glass.” Realistically, Google can’t stop anyone committed to using such applications; install Linux, for example, and you can run any compatible software you want. Political thinkers have long warned that face-recognition software — deployed worldwide by police forces and spy agencies — will eventually go mainstream, with corporations and individuals scanning people in public, either to sell them things, track them or simply indulge their voyeuristic curiosity.