Amazing ID Refusal – Extreme ego check
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- This cop is an huge embarrassment to all law enforcement officers …he yells and screams at the citizen, but when he gets on the radio, or his own supervisor approaches, he completely changes his demeanor .
- If I was sitting on a police review board I would recommend this officer for a psych test and retraining.
I see 2 major issues here.
1) His main job was to back up his partner.
Hard to do that when your not backing up your partner.
2) He took a supervisor away from her job.
- He knew exactly what the law was and tried intimidation to get his way all he ended up doing was failing to do his job.
- What’s crazy is cops like this get promotions instead of being fired like they should be
- The cop was so afraid of this guy that he turned his back on him, hilarious
- OK, this cop is certifiably crazy! He has ranted for over a minute straight and says he is not the one creating a scene? Wow, denial ain’t just a River in Egypt.
- Funny how he changed his story. Both of these cops are liars.
- IF I were this officers Chief, I truly would tell this cop to calm down for his own good.
He comes across as ineffective and hostile.
- COP – “Ok, now that you’re filming me and everything, let me see your ID”.
ME – But officer the only crime here is your haircut.
- This is brilliant. The dude was so chill he deserves an award. Great to watch thankyou
- I like this auditor. He sounds so relaxed. Like his sarcastic laugh aswel
- It’s funny how he talks so normal to his sergeant but he was so loud and aggressive and raspy to the auditor
- This is a perfect example of what’s wrong with law enforcement today, officers forget who they work for.
- This guy HAS to be a former marine drill sgt. Just look at his stance, demeanor, hair and graveley voice. He is NOT used to being told no. Great job by the auditor standing his ground!
- Camera guy handled that very well. Even made the cop laugh cause he realized how ridiculous his little rant was
- Opinion: “Prior restraint” This is a “consensual conversation” devised by the cop to consume the time and attention of the camera operator, with the sole intention to distract from the event.
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