Google PictureLink: integrating Keyhole and Picasa

Picasa Photo Organizer Logo

I’ve wanted GIS-camera integration for over a year, but now I’ve found the perfect marketing strategy to accelerate its adoption. It’s an opportunity for Google to introduce its brand even deeper into people’s lives, while integrating two of Google’s recent acquisitions:

Keyhole Satellite Photo Serivce Logo

  1. the Picasa photo organizer and
  2. the Keyhole Satellite Imaging Service

Marketing the Product: Canon Digital Rebel with Google PictureLink

Google will develop a trademark to signify that a Camera :

  • is capable of saving GIS data with the picture and
  • comes with the software necessary to organize and find photos

For my example, I’ll coin the term “PhotoLink.”

Canon Digital Rebel SRL

Google would approach various camera makers about including a GIS unit and Google’s software with their cameras. I hear that GIS sensors are now only about $10, so Google should be willing to subsidize their cost if the camera maker agrees to include a Google logo on the camera body.

The Logo would serve a similar purpose to the Intel’s Centrino brand, which signifies mobility through wifi and longer battery life.

PictureLink would signify the ability to connect a picture to:

  • other people’s picturessatellite images and maps

And of course with the Google brand, everyone will know that it will be easy to find the photo they’re looking for

Using the the Product

Customers will take pictures as normal, but when they load the photos onto their computer, Picasa will extract GIS metadata stored in EXIF fields.

In addition to the Timeline, Picasa users will have a Keyhole-like way to Enjoy their Photos:

  • grouped by location
  • overlaid on top of a satellite view

In the “Share your photos” section, Picasa users will have the option of “Sharing with the Public”.

Regardless of their own decision to share, Picasa users will have the option of viewing public pictures from the same or a nearby Location.

Collaborative Photography Example

Suppose I take pictures of hurricane damage in Florida. I may only get a few good ones, and I wonder if other people are willing to share their photos. With PhotoLink, I am able to see all other PhotoLink-enabled public photos.

Some professionals may want to participate as well. They could have a publicly indexable thumbnail, but charge a fee for a high quality version.
