IP: Ownership vs Distribution
A month ago, I became the official owner of an ’89 Ford Taurus. The transaction took place at a local car dealer which also serves as a public notary. A few days later, I received the title in the mail.
Ownership Society
In his forthcoming State of the Union address, President Bush is expected to describe his vision of an “Ownership Society”. He’ll use Social Security, HealthCare, and Education accounts as examples of individual ownership. I’d like to use the occassion to focus on Intellectual Property Ownership.
“Royalty Compliance” vs “IP Participation”
Currently, most IP Policy focuses on enforcing “Royalty Compliance“. A better approach would emphasize “IP Participation“.
Technology standards like the “broadcast flag” (distribution flag) and copy prevention technologies make negative assertions about distribution.
But imagine instead, a positive standard. One that allows me to prove that I own what I paid for. One that allows me to transfer ownership to someone else.