The Worst Argument for Trumpcare: People Don’t Need Health Insurance

There are many good arguments to be made in favor of Trumpcare, but this is not one of them.

Of all the arguments to make for repealing and replacing Obamacare, the very worst is that people don’t need health insurance.

.. Sean Spicer told reporters last week, “When we get asked the question, ‘How many people are going to get covered?’ that’s not the question that should be asked.” Pressed on the merits of the bill by George Stephanopoulos on ABC’s This Week, Office of Management and Budget director Mick Mulvaney shot back, “You’re worried about getting people covered.” As if that’s a woeful mistake. This is a strange rhetorical tack for officials in an administration led by a president who pledged to cover everyone.

.. But the best response to criticisms that Trumpcare doesn’t cover enough people is simple and more fundamental — to get the coverage numbers up.

.. The arguments that they are making in public are the kinds of things you might have expected to hear at a private fundraiser of the sort that undid Mitt Romney when he famously dismissed “the 47 percent.”