Donald Trump’s End Game: Non-Presecutorial Agreement in New York

Former Trump Administration White House Communications Director Anthony Scaramucci and The Nation’s justice correspondent Elie Mystal talk to Zerlina Maxwell about the Trump campaign’s attempt to overturn election results and why it won’t work.

joining me now is former white house communications director for the trump administration anthony scaramucci and justice correspondent for the nation ali mastal uh the mooch let me start with you uh to to the extent that you can happy birthday take us inside oh thank you thank you so much i appreciate that um you know take us inside the trump orbit what is the president’s end game here i mean obviously he’s throwing everything at the wall but what ultimately is his goal does he actually believe any of these efforts will make a difference well i think the end game is a non-prosecutorial agreement and so that’s different from a pardon remember a pardon you have to be accused of the crime indicted of the crime and then you get pardoned he wants a non-prosecutorial agreement in new york state new york city and the federal government and so he’s going to wreak havoc on our society in an effort to do that so he’s going to act like the tasmanian devil trapped inside that non-scalable wall around the white house uh i don’t think he’s leaving that white house by the way watch he won’t go to mar-a-lago for thanksgiving he likely will not leave the white house for christmas because he’s afraid they’re not going to let him back in the white house and he knows if he has the white house he has some leverage over other people so that’s what i think is going on right now i think he wants that for his family and for himself uh and that’s why he’s stirring the power spot excuse me the pot so vigorously so we do have some breaking news nbc news can confirm that donald trump jr uh just tested positive for covid19 anthony i can’t even believe that people in trump’s orbit are still testing positive like they did not take the hint from the first person in their orbit and then start wearing masks what the heck is going on here what’s your reaction to donald trump’s junior testing positive if you if you if you poll them they think it’s a hoax and they were saying repeatedly that on november 4th no one would be talking about the covet 19 crisis or the pandemic so it’s no surprise to me that every day you’re going to read about more people i understand and i like andrew giuliani a lot and i wish him well i like don jr i don’t agree with his politics of course but i i wish these people good health it’s just it’s unfortunate that nobody would listen to the epidemiology behind this and it was ultimately the president’s undoing that they took this path uh somebody told me today that he had a bad october i’m like what he had a bad march through october he mishandled the pandemic he lied about everything and that’s why we are where we are and that’s why everybody’s getting sick and i feel like if he had handled the pandemic just at all i mean like i feel like he’s done so little that if he had just you know been like wear a mask and i’m gonna you know make sure that we have rapid testing the the election could have gone a lot differently ellie a lot of people are looking at what’s happening in michigan um also in pennsylvania where the trump campaign is fighting in the courts today georgia obviously certified uh their election results and their recount um but trump says there’s a major lawsuit on the way and so i i’m i feel like people are getting nervous um you know they hear legal experts say you know joe biden will be the president trump cannot overturn the results of this election um make me feel confident about the fact that that is true there’s nothing that donald trump can do to stop this from happening legally we are now well into the illegal phase um of his attempting to run you know it’s it’s it’s it’s a coup d’etat brought to you by four seasons landscaping i mean that’s that’s kind of where we are right now um look there there’s no there’s no legitimate argument for for trump to be doing any of this does anybody remember i just want your viewers to think does anybody actually remember the legal argument that they’re making in michigan no nobody that’s not a legal argument they’re just straight up saying we should throw out votes of black people that’s the only argument that’s not legal um uh uh a congressman um bill parcell jr today filed bar complaints ethics complaints against rudy giuliani that’s what needs to happen now because donald trump literally admitted on twitter that the entire point of his michigan lawsuit was to delay certification of the vote that is an extra legal means that is using the court to get an extra legal um outcome that is textbook unethical there is a rule it is called rule 11 that is supposed to be used to sanction lawyers who bring frivolous unethical lawsuits and it should be used against all of trump attorneys it likely won’t be because people are cowards but like that’s where we are now okay so when i when people want to feel safe and feel and feel better about where things are going make no mistake there’s no legal grounds anywhere they are one for 32 one for 31 in court and the one that they won was whether their poll walkers watchers have to be 15 feet away or six feet away that’s their win so there’s no legal argument anywhere to be found here but trump doesn’t care and so and that’s what we’re trying to so i think that leads me to my next question anthony in terms of who is advising the president obviously ellie points out that none of these arguments are legal arguments so likely donald trump who is not a lawyer you know isn’t coming up with sort of some of these theories but do you think he’s listening to anyone who is giving him advice or is this just all coming from him no this is 100 coming from him and i would tell you that the last six weeks of that campaign 100 coming from him his movements the strategy what he was preparing to do after he got him himself kovac 19 all of that is coming from him and so he’s hunkered down uh you’ve got people inside the white house that i’m still close to that have said okay we got to begin the transition process we have to release the funding we have to start the process i mean he lost by six million plus votes five states flipped but i do think uh that he did something very cunning he delayed the absentee ballot counting and so what ended up happening was if we got every single vote counted by 11 pm on election night it was a route he had five states flip on them lost by six million votes it was a total repudiation of trumpism but by switching up the mail servers taking away the post office boxes delaying the count delaying the ballots uh he’s trying to convince and he’s got 50 60 million people convinced of this uh that those ballots that came in afterwards totally legitimate totally legal were false and there’s a problem with the election so he believes that 50 or 60 million of his followers believe that but ellie knows the court system doesn’t believe that america doesn’t believe that by december 1st all of the battleground states will be certified and then my question to the gop is then what what are you going to do after that you know the the the you know the thing is is over as it could be yeah it feels to me like you know they’re accepting the wins and losses in their congressional races i say it every day like mitch mcconnell accepted the win in his race but somehow the election was fraudulent it doesn’t make sense to me ellie and with the president refusing to concede um you know there’s a question about short-term damage to the biden transition team as we try to prepare for a vaccine hopefully and the long-term damage it does to just the whole democracy um we know joe biden will become the president but what worries you about the long-term damage trump is doing to the democracy right now well this is how i understand your breaking news about don jr who i don’t know and don’t wish well um these people are the ones who are leading to additional unnecessary deaths in this country that’s the cost it’s not to me i’m pouring down i’m hunkered down and quarantined i basically have a moat around my house right it is to it is to the people um who are being led astray by this administration um and the people who cannot get the help and the services they need and the delay that there’s going to be in distributing a vaccine that we apparently are on the verge of having a proof these that’s the hurt that’s the harm it’s the harm is death and biden said it directly more people will die because of the charade that the republican party led by mitch mcconnell um sorry led by donald trump endorsed by mitch mcconnell and republicans up and down their entire ticket that’s that’s what the cost is of this anthony to that point do you think that the president cares about the death happening um and additionally do you think he will ever admit that he lost this election we saw him for the first time in public today uh in many days and you know he couldn’t he he basically stood there like i won and and walked out yeah talking about prescription drug prices as an aside uh do you think he’s ever going to you know get it through his head yeah well the short answer is no and no but just remember one thing about him when he’s doing a news surge he’s searching trump he is not searching usa and he’s definitely not searching y-o-u he could care less about y-o-u so when ellie says he doesn’t care about donald trump jr uh donald trump jr and donald trump senior don’t care about us so i i hear you and i will say this i thought i had good hair until i met you ellie i mean that thing is absolutely terrific i’ve never seen it like it so i mean i have hair envy tonight but uh but what that’s because you got a moat around the house a barber can’t get in there with like actually but but i gotta i gotta tell you though you know we gotta move past these people and i’m going to make a prediction on the peacock that once we move past these people the half-life of power of trumpism is going to decelerate very very quickly uh because you’ve got all these ambitious geopeers they’re going to be throwing the trumps into the prairie fire as quickly as they possibly can and then they’re going to have to have a reckoning in that party because you’re going to have a reconciliation with the truth and where were you when we needed you related to life and safety and principle so if they’re not careful the republican party is heading for the ash heap as well it’ll be an aging group of white people that are buying my pillows and catheters from fox news commercial interruptions there’s definitely weird commercials on fox news i just have to say that as an aside ellie and john they can’t get any real responses that’s true i remember when it was very very strange commercials at what during one of the boycotts um ellie it seems to me that the president uh to anthony’s point is not going to accept the results of this election he’s obviously doing at you know to your point extra legal things in order to muck up the works here um are there laws being broken like are there additional things he’s doing in order to make pay over this election result which we all know is one where joe biden won are there any additional laws he’s breaking i mean i i assume that the presidential records act is being shredded every night uh um um who knows uh uh what access to information we are being denied um by this holdup but again i don’t think that this is a i don’t think right now he’s breaking laws he’s still the president until january 20th at noon right at 1201 um he becomes potentially a trespasser in the white house but until noon on the 20th he’s still the president um so i don’t think that their laws being broken by his shenanigans again their their ethics and and i i say ethics not not as a dodge as a thing that used to be important as a thing that we used to expect lawyers to uphold the ethical violations of this administration that we’ve all just kind of gotten used to because it’s just every day is a violation right we’ve gotten used to them like we shouldn’t be because that that that that is the ethics are the guard real and that’s what we don’t have right now so again these this attempt by by this congress person um the attempt to hold trump lawyers accountable like jenna ellis needs to needs to fill the the sting of a rebuke right like at some point these people who help him these people who enable him have to feel like they themselves will be rebuked in some way um to warn them off of doing it like that that’s actually at least as important um as you know at some point obama joke the other day like at some point the navy seals will get into the white house and and deal with trump if he’s if he’s still there right but i need something to happen to jenna ellis i need something to happen to rudy giuliani i need them i need i need the the legal structures yeah because there are there actually are to your point about the ethics of it you know lawyer lawyers get a bad rap while i’ve never practiced i’m gonna defend lawyers like you can’t just straight up lie like you can finagle uh and and spin but you can’t just straight up live that’s actually unethical and a lot of these folks are getting up in front of microphones on tv just straight up lying about the law and the fact and it’s not because trump is the bad guy like i think that one of the best things that lawyers do is defend the indefensible like i i i am proud of lawyers who will defend terrorists and criminals and this guy right but you can’t lie you can’t stand up in court and make purposefully frivolous arguments that actually breaks the whole system down so again we need we need these people to be held accountable for their misdeeds i agree anthony scaramucci and ali mestal thank you as always for being on the show tonight

Trump Pardons War Crimes But Fires Captain for Telling Truth about Covid-19

America’s Parasite

Frankly, Trump doesn’t give a damn.

It’s funny that Donald Trump doesn’t like a movie about con artists who invade an elegant house and wreak chaos.

He should empathize with parasites.

No doubt the president is a movie buff. He has been known to call advisers in the wee hours to plan movie nights at the White House for films he wants to see, like “Joker.” And, in an early sign of his affinity for tyrants, he told Playboy in 1990 that his role model was Louis B. Mayer running MGM in the ’30s.

Trump interrupted his usual rally rant Thursday night to bash the Oscars, saying: “And the winner is a movie from South Korea. What the hell was that all about? We got enough problems with South Korea with trade. On top of it, they give them the best movie of the year?”

He added: “Can we get ‘Gone With the Wind’ back, please? ‘Sunset Boulevard.’ So many great movies. The winner is from South Korea. I thought it was best foreign film, right? Best foreign movie. No. Did this ever happen before? And then you have Brad Pitt. I was never a big fan of his. He got upset. A little wise guy statement. A little wise guy. He’s a little wise guy.” (When he accepted his Oscar, Pitt complained that the Senate did not let John Bolton testify.)

Our president is nostalgic for a movie romanticizing slavery and a movie about an aging diva swanning maniacally around a mansion, living in a vanished past. (I am big. It’s the party that got small.)

Trump’s xenophobic movie criticism, combined with his mocking pronunciation of the name “Buttigieg,” harked back to the days when George H.W. Bush ran in 1988 wrapped in the flag, saying he was on “the American side,” while his celebrity endorser Loretta Lynn complained that she couldn’t even pronounce the name Dukakis. Too foreign-sounding.

It also echoed a segment on Laura Ingraham’s show, in which it was suggested that Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, an American war hero who immigrated from Ukraine, might be guilty of espionage.

And in his Vegas rally on Friday, Trump was again calling his predecessor “Barack Hussein Obama.”

This was another bad, crazy week trapped in Trump’s psychopathology. No sooner was the president acquitted than he put scare quotes around the words justice and Justice Department and sought to rewrite the narrative of the Mueller report, whose author warned that Russia was going to try to meddle in the U.S. election again.

Philip Rucker wrote in The Washington Post: “As his re-election campaign intensifies, Trump is using the powers of his office to manipulate the facts and settle the score. Advisers say the president is determined to protect his associates ensnared in the expansive Russia investigation, punish the prosecutors and investigators he believes betrayed him, and convince the public that the probe was exactly as he sees it: an illegal witch hunt.”

Trump, who moved from a Fifth Avenue penthouse to the White House, is sinking deeper into his poor-little-me complex, convinced that he is being persecuted.

His darker sense of grievance converges with a neon grandiosity. Trump is totally uncontrolled now. Most presidents worry about the seaminess of pardons and wait until the end. Trump is going full throttle on pardoning his pals and pals of his pals in an election year.

The Republicans have shown they are too scared to stop him and won’t. The Democrats want to stop him but can’t. (Although if they win the Senate back, Democrats will probably end up impeaching him again and this time have plenty of witnesses.)

Now, in a frightening new twist, the president is angry at his own intelligence team for trying to protect the national interest. He would rather hide actual intelligence from Congress than have Adam Schiff know something that Trump thinks would make him look bad politically.

As The Times reported, the president’s intelligence officials warned House lawmakers in a briefing that Russia was once more intent on trespassing on our election to help Trump, intent on interfering in both the Democratic primaries and the general. (They also told Bernie Sanders that the Russians were trying to help his campaign.)

News of the House briefing caused another Vesuvian eruption from the mercurial president, who is hypersensitive to any suggestion that he isn’t winning all on his own.

The Times story said that “the president berated Joseph Maguire, the outgoing acting director of national intelligence, for allowing it to take place,” especially because his nemesis Schiff was present.

A few days ago, the president replaced Maguire as acting director with Richard Grenell, the sycophantic ambassador to Germany whose qualifications for overseeing the nation’s 17 spy agencies include being a former Fox News commentator and Trump superfan who boasts a gold-level card with the Trump Organization.

As the Democrats sputter and spat and fight over federal giveaways and N.D.A.s, the unfettered president is overturning the rule of law and stuffing the agencies with toadies.

Nothing is in the national interest or public good. Everything is in the greater service of the Trump cult of personality.

In “Gone With the Wind,” Atlanta burned to the ground. In Trump’s version, Washington is aflame.