‘He lied about it’: Ann Coulter rips Trump for failing to secure border wall funding

Conservative pundit Ann Coulter had high hopes for President Trump, anointing him an “emperor god” and writing the book “In Trump We Trust” to celebrate his White House bid.

Central to the appeal for Coulter were the candidate’s hard-line views on immigration, including a wall on the U.S. border with Mexico.

A lot can change in just over two years.

“He promised something for 18 months, and he lied about it,” Coulter told HBO host Bill Maher on Friday, not long after Trump signed a stopgap measure to temporarily reopen the government without including any money for the wall, once again subverting his central campaign promise.

Earlier in the segment, Maher questioned Coulter on her initial support for the president: “You voted for him, Donald Trump, and now you’re finding out he’s a lying con man. What was your first clue?”

Coulter shot back: “Okay, I’m a very stupid girl, fine.”.

“Good news for George Herbert Walker Bush: As of today, he is no longer the biggest wimp ever to serve as President of the United States,” Coulter tweeted Friday.

.. Tomi Lahren, a Fox Nation host, tweeted that Trump allowed “Nancy to walk all over him,” referring to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.). “It’s President Trump, not President Pelosi. Act like it. #BuildThatWall,” she wrote.