Trump got a lot of things right

Consider the Trump themes that resonated deeply with tens of millions of Americans:

  • We don’t win anymore.
  • We have no strategy to fight our enemies.
  • Our allies aren’t paying enough freight.
  • Defense cuts and feckless leadership are projecting American weakness.
  • Trade deals help only some Americans.
  • Washington doesn’t work.

Separate the bill of particulars from Trump the person, and the reality is, these complaints make sense.

.. Congress can take on the hard challenge of getting workers the skills they need to compete in today’s economy. It can take on the special interests in universities, schools and unions that oppose these changes and the fancy pants who sneer at the need for vocational and technical skills, which could better prepare workers for advanced manufacturing. It can work with states to expand apprenticeship and other work-based learning programs. It can offer the long-term unemployed living in areas with limited job opportunities assistance to move to cities with tighter, stronger labor markets.