Cops Unaware They Were Filmed Breaking In – The FBI Warned Them

You can tell a lot about criminal… I mean cops, when they don’t know they are being recorded. What they did with his friends ashes was so appalling as well. To me the craziest part is they are higher sophisticated criminals to have the mind to cut the cameras wires and should be arrested and punished accordingly as far as laws are written. I have only seen that in movies until today.

And they wonder why citizens have complete disgust for law enforcement.

It’s something that comes up regularly. “There’s a law for the rich and a law for the poor.” Well, the guys you see on here are the guys that make this true. Someone without hidden cameras and or an attorney would be more or less at the mercy of these wandering goons. I don’t really think that they set out to create a stratified criminal justice system but that’s dammed sure the result.

Finding out the FBI leaked this to the officer’s just blew me away. I hope John can make them agents pay to, sadly the corruption probably goes all the way to the top.

Cops will still say it’s just “a few bad apples”, when it’s clear the entire tree is diseased, from the very top down to the lowest root.

He just admitted to being retaliatory on live TV that should start an investigation on his entire department for those words alone. Smh the world we live in and the people that are supposed to protect us is scary

“if they would stop being piles of shit, i could retire this fucking channel”
thank you for getting a laugh out of me while making a great point lol

So they are caught in illegal actions and still get to keep their badges …. its no wonder street justice has been ramping up

If they had legitimate reason to conduct a warrantless search, they would have no reason to cut the cameras. These guys are criminals with badges.

I don’t understand how a judge or official has seen this and not let it go to court this is America isn’t it what is going on

Applying Malcolm Gladwell’s Taxonomy to the Unfolding Political Drama

A regular commenter brought the clip above to my attention. In it the Canadian journalist Malcolm Gladwell distinguishes among four categories of crime fiction. It’s short and I encourage you to watch it but here’s an even briefer summary.

In “Westerns” there is no law and the protagonist imposes law on a lawless territory.

In “Northerns” there is a flawless legal system in place which is effective in enforcing the law.

In “Easterns” the legal system is corrupt; it must be fixed from the inside.

In “Southerns” not just the legal system but everything is thoroughly corrupt—it must be fixed from outside.

I would point out that this taxonomy doesn’t just apply to crime fiction but to sci-fi in the movies and television and even medical dramas. Star Trek is a Northern. Star Wars is an Eastern. Serenity is a Western. There are even a few isolated Southerns (Riddick).

It occurred to me that it is productive to look at the way that different groups view the political drama that has been unfolding since 2016 using Gladwell’s prism. Democrats tend to look at the last nearly three years as a Northern. The system is working well to rid itself of a criminal. The Republicans, not terribly surprisingly, see it as a Southern—a man comes from outside to fix a thoroughly corrupted system.

Richard Thaler with Malcolm Gladwell on Misbehaving

Behavioral economist Richard Thaler talks to bestselling author Malcolm Gladwell on the implications of behavioral economics on how we think about the world, from our personal lives to business to society. They will have you retooling your grocery list and retirement strategies, and lead managers to rethink every aspect of their business.



this is an important point someone who
has always been the the A+ student this
the court feel are the obvious smartest
kid in the room right golden boy is
someone who is who is not powerfully
motivated to disrupt the status quo
right right right is rare going I see
where you’re going
look no I think it’s an obvious point
that if I were if I had been really good
at doing economics I wouldn’t have had
to do this you know all right
I mean I sure when Rosen my advisor I
quote him in the in in an article in The
New York Times he told the reporter who
asked about my career as a grad student
quote we didn’t expect much of him yeah
and you it’s always good to have you
I think it’s been pure
stupidity that we haven’t been building
roads bridges and so forth
for the last seven years when we we
could we can borrow at a negative
interest rate and use otherwise idle

resources I mean it’s just mind boggling
that we haven’t done that and and you
don’t have to be a Keynesian to think

that so whether or not this would
stimulate the economy let’s just suppose

we do just cost-benefit analysis we have
bridges that are all going to fall down
all around the country we could be
building them with construction crews
that have nothing to do and borrowing at
zero interest rate and we’re going to
have to do start doing it as soon as the
economy picks up when it will cost a lot
more so complete stupidity

The Quiet Death of Racial Progress

How can we stop backsliding toward inequality?

.. Let’s take that statistic about the decline in poverty among black men. It comes from an excellent report by Bradford Wilcox and others at the American Enterprise Institute. As their report clearly shows, the vast bulk of that decline happened between 1960 and 1975. If you look at poverty data since 1980, there’s been little progress, either in black men moving out of poverty or into the middle class.
.. The recent famous study co-produced by Raj Chetty points to an elemental truth: There is still a strong, steady societal wind pushing against African-American men. Those born into poverty are much less likely to be able to climb out than their counterparts in other races. Those born into affluence are much more likely to fall down the income scale over the course of their lives.
.. When it comes to segregation, the story is even worse. One of the things we’ve learned over the past decades is that place really matters — the nature of your neighborhood and surroundings.

American neighborhoods are desegregating slightly, but the situation is worse for children. Black and Hispanic children are more likely to be residentially segregated than minority adults.

.. Schools are resegregating, too. The percentage of black students who are attending schools that are 90 to 100 percent minority went down in the South in the 1970s and 1980s, but now is shooting up. In the Northeast, the percentage of black students in these schools has been climbing for decades.

Even the workplace is showing signs of regression. Big companies are still reasonably integrated, but newer, smaller businesses are more segregated, often largely white, black or Hispanic.

.. But conservatives are right to point to the importance of bourgeois norms. Three institutions do an impressive job of reducing racial disparity:

  1. the military,
  2. marriage and
  3. church.

As the A.E.I. study shows, black men who served in the military are more likely to be in the middle class than those who did not. Black men who attended religious services are 76 percent more likely to attain at least middle-class status than those who did not.

.. the general presence of fathers — not just one’s own — in the community is a powerful determinant of whether young men will be able to rise and thrive.

We’ve fallen into a bogus logjam in which progressives emphasize systems of oppression and conservatives emphasize cultural norms. Both critiques are correct. If we’re going to do something about this appalling retrogression on race, we probably need to be radical on both ends.