Moore vs Harper: Independent State Legislature Doctrine (Beau)

Beau, I think in your ire, you forgot to break this thing down for your audience. I think this is how the North Carolina case is laid out:

  • The Constitution allows the state legislature to set up voting districts within the state (essentially).
  • The North Carolina state legislature has proposed a new set of voting districts.
  • North Carolina state law allows the state’s courts to double-check voting district proposals.
  • The North Carolina state supreme court ruled that the new voting districts proposal was gerrymandered to hell and back; the legislature would have to redo it.
  • The state legislature then went to the US Supreme Court, saying that the Constitution allowing state legislatures to set up voting districts also specifically excludes everyone else from getting any say in the process.
  • The North Carolina state legislature wants to the US Supreme Court to override North Carolina’s own laws, and to rule that it is unconstitutional for state court systems to have a say the creation of state voting districts.
  • The US Supreme Court has agreed to hear this case.
    Their ruling will affect all 50 states.

If the US Supreme Court sides with the North Carolina state legislature, then state legislatures will quite literally be able to pick their voters.

Interracial Marriage BAN Ok With GOP Senator | The Kyle Kulinski Show

Should have asked him what his position would be on states banning Christianity and see him totally turn on “state’s rights.”

This is why I stopped thinking thoughts like “that can’t happen here.” It can, and it already is. We thought Roe v. Wade was the law of the land, and it will 100% be overturned this year. Who still thinks the GOP is going to stop there? Nothing is off the table.

Take this one to Supreme Court. I’m curious how Clarence Thomas would rule on this one? Probably against himself to own the left or all the other Justices rule in favor of it. This could end up being funny but not haha funny.

Omg thank you for covering this I’ve been waiting to see if anyone did. This ass clown is from my state and the reporter was from my hometown. I literally could not believe he said the quiet out loud on this one. I pray he put the nail in his own coffin so he does not get elected but sadly it will probably be a rallying call to the crazies here…

Abraham Lincoln: Definition of Liberty (or Tyranny)

Address at Sanitary Fair, Baltimore, Maryland [1]

April 18, 1864

Ladies and Gentlemen—Calling to mind that we are in Baltimore, we can not fail to note that the world moves. Looking upon these many people, assembled here, to serve, as they best may, the soldiers of the Union, it occurs at once that three years ago, the same soldiers could not so much as pass through Baltimore. The change from then till now, is both great, and gratifying. Blessings on the brave men who have wrought the change, and the fair women who strive to reward them for it.

But Baltimore suggests more than could happen within Baltimore. The change within Baltimore is part only of a far wider change. When the war began, three years ago, neither party, nor any man, expected it would last till now. Each looked for the end, in some way, long ere to-day. Neither did any anticipate that domestic slavery would be much affected by the war. But here we are; the war has not ended, and slavery has been much affected—how much needs not now to be recounted. So true is it that man proposes, and God disposes.

But we can see the past, though we may not claim to have directed it; and seeing it, in this case, we feel more hopeful and confident for the future.

The world has never had a good definition of the word liberty, and the American people, just now, are much in want of one. We all declare for liberty; but in using the same word we do not all mean the same thing. With some the word liberty may mean for each man to do as he pleases with himself, and the product of his labor; while with others the same word may mean for some men to do as they please with other men, and the product of other men’sPage  302 labor. Here are two, not only different, but incompatable things, called by the same name—liberty. And it follows that each of the things is, by the respective parties, called by two different and incompatable names—liberty and tyranny.

The shepherd drives the wolf from the sheep’s throat, for which the sheep thanks the shepherd as a liberator, while the wolf denounces him for the same act as the destroyer of liberty, especially as the sheep was a black one. Plainly the sheep and the wolf are not agreed upon a definition of the word liberty; and precisely the same difference prevails to-day among us human creatures, even in the North, and all professing to love liberty. Hence we behold the processes by which thousands are daily passing from under the yoke of bondage, hailed by some as the advance of liberty, and bewailed by others as the destruction of all liberty. Recently, as it seems, the people of Maryland have been doing something to define liberty; and thanks to them that, in what they have done, the wolf’s dictionary, has been repudiated.

It is not very becoming for one in my position to make speeches at great length; but there is another subject upon which I feel that I ought to say a word. A painful rumor, true I fear, has reached us of the massacre, by the rebel forces, at Fort Pillow, in the West end of Tennessee, on the Mississippi river, of some three hundred colored soldiers and white officers, who had just been overpowered by their assailants. [2] There seems to be some anxiety in the public mind whether the government is doing it’s duty to the colored soldier, and to the service, at this point. At the beginning of the war, and for some time, the use of colored troops was not contemplated; and how the change of purpose was wrought, I will not now take time to explain. Upon a clear conviction of duty I resolved to turn that element of strength to account; and I am responsible for it to the American people, to the christian world, to history, and on my final account to God. Having determined to use the negro as a soldier, there is no way but to give him all the protection given to any other soldier. The difficulty is not in stating the principle, but in practically applying it. It is a mistake to suppose the government is indiffe[re]nt to this matter, or is not doing the best it can in regard to it. We do not to-day know that a colored soldier, or white officer commanding colored soldiers, has been massacred by the rebels when made a prisoner. We fear it, believe it, I may say, but we do not know it. To take the life of one of their prisoners, on the assumption that they murder ours, when it is short of certainty that they do murder ours, might be too serious, too cruel a mistake. We are having the Fort-Pillow affair thoroughlyPage  303 investigated; and such investigation will probably show conclusively how the truth is. If, after all that has been said, it shall turn out that there has been no massacre at Fort-Pillow, it will be almost safe to say there has been none, and will be none elsewhere. If there has been the massacre of three hundred there, or even the tenth part of three hundred, it will be conclusively proved; and being so proved, the retribution shall as surely come. It will be matter of grave consideration in what exact course to apply the retribution; but in the supposed case, it must come.


[1]   AD, The Rosenbach Company, Philadelphia and New York. A preliminary draft (infra) of the opening paragraph of this address is preserved in the Lincoln Papers.

[2]   See Lincoln’s communication to cabinet members and note, May 3, infra