Can Global Shipping Go Zero Carbon?

Today on The Indicator, we present Short Wave, NPR’s new daily science podcast hosted by Maddie Sofia. Because science, as with everything else, always comes back to economics!
A lot of the stuff we buy comes via ship, using a particularly dirty kind of fuel. Now a big shipping firm says it wants to go carbon neutral. Short Wave looks at how some old tech might play a role.
Follow Short Wave host Maddie Sofia on Twitter @maddie_sofia. Email the show at

As Arctic Ice Vanishes, New Shipping Routes Open

As global warming melts sea ice across the Arctic, shipping routes once thought impossible — including directly over the North Pole — may open up by midcentury. But high costs may keep the new routes from being used right away.

 .. Even direct over-the-pole routes would potentially be navigable, at least during some part of the summer-fall shipping season.