How does an SJ type see an INTJ?

Hmm… I have an INTJ for a girlfriend and I got to know more of her INTJ tendencies over the years.

Her tendencies always seem to be the following:

1. Ability to see through things.

2. Reads between the lines.

3. Reaches conclusions through connecting information from various sources.

4. Doesn’t like unplanned, unscheduled, or spontaneous activities.

5. She’s a mastermind. Plans and executes her plans really well.

6. She’s quite reasonable. And I think INTJ’s are very reasonable.

7. She doesn’t like repeating things over and over again. So listen carefully and mindfully. If you need her to repeat, just admit you weren’t listening properly. hahaha… 😀 Which sometimes happens to me since I tend to jumble information.

8. She’s has quite a cold and snobby front. But once you get to know her personally or you’ll learn to love her traits and person as well.

9. She explains stuff very well, and usually is right 99.5% of the time. So that 0.5% percent are times when I’m right. But it’s not quite a big deal really.

10. She’s loyal.

11. She evaluates situation according to new information.

12. When you talk to INTJ, they do listen. Let them speak their mind out and you’ll learn a lot form them.

13. Make sure that when you argue with them, your statements, claims, or position do not contain B.S. If they do, expect it to be shot down instantly.

14. They have an inner world where they reveal vulnerabilities. Only a few get to be in their inner world. When you do get in, please treasure it.

15. Don’t take things personally when an INTJ snaps at you. It’s not you, it’s the thing they’re snapping is causing them distress or discomfort.

16. Lastly, INTJ are not impossible to love. As an ISFJ, I see my INTJ as someone who builds you up. Just listen to them, and you’ll grow into a more wonderful person than you’ll ever be on your own.

Bankruptcy Are Coming, Signs All Around

I witnessed first hand the closing of two company’s. Both suffered from large debt and too little revenue. The similarities are eerily familiar. Business defaults and bankruptcies are on the rise.


Trump Gives Conservatives Their Just Comeuppance

I enjoy the self-abasement of Jeff Sessions, who endured private harangues and public humiliation from his boss because the attorney general saw a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to use his office to get tough on illegal immigration.

And then there’s the joy of watching Sean Hannity trying desperately to pin the blame for the president’s border wall betrayal on congressional Republicans. The Fox News host seems to be drawing moral inspiration from Samuel Beckett, who is said to have mused: “When you’re in the sh— up to your neck, there’s nothing left to do but sing.”

.. But now it’s the president who is doing exactly that, making the case for DACA beneficiaries in terms his base most condemns: as “good, educated and accomplished young people who have jobs, some serving in the military” and who don’t deserve to be thrown out of the country simply because their parents brought them to the United States as children. It’s the kind of thing Nancy Pelosi — or, worse, John McCain — might say.

.. He feels about as much loyalty toward them and their convictions as he’s felt toward his several wives. Remember that, as recently as 2012, he denounced Mitt Romney for an excessively harsh attitude toward immigrants, calling the Massachusetts governor’s policy of self-deportation “crazy” and a turnoff to “everybody who is inspired to come into this country.”

.. at heart he was a destructive opportunist with no core convictions beyond his own immediate advantage.