Satyajit Das about his new bookThe Age of Stagnation

In Extraenvironmentalist #91 we first speak with Satyajit Das about his new bookThe Age of Stagnation: Why Perpetual Growth is Unattainable and the Global Economy is in Peril which questions the assumption that never ending economic growth is possible, or desirable. Das questions the ability of political leaders to enact the tough structural changes needed to avoid social chaos in a low growth world. Then, in the second half of our show we speak with Michael Hudson about his book Killing the Host: How Financial Parasites and Debt Bondage Destroy the Global Economy. Hudson describes how debt deflation is imposing austerity on the U.S. and European economies, siphoning wealth and income upward to the financial sector while impoverishing the middle class.

Separate productive and unproductive economic activity

German Economic Miracle (debt writedown)

Cult of Measurement (to be gamed)

The debt and entitlements will have to be written down (savers punished)