Conservative Heads EXPLODE As Reality Sets In

Conservatives get pissed after Biden drops the cold hard truth about vaccines. John Iadarola and Brett Erlich break it down on The Damage Report.

In 2015, Ben Shapiro was in favor of vaccine mandates, but now that that is an unpopular opinion amoung “conservatives” he’s changed his mind.

Here’s Why the Right is AFRAID to Debate the Left

–A compilation of moments from debates mostly between left and right-wing media personalities

00:00 David Pakman vs. Tim Pool

00:55 Joe Rogan vs. Dave Rubin

03:00 Cenk Uygur vs. Dinesh D’Souza

03:35 Sam Seder vs. Darryl Perry

05:28 Destiny vs. Tim Pool

06:31 David Pakman vs. Ben Shapiro

07:48 Kyle Kulinski vs. Michael Knowles

08:43 Joe Rogan vs. Steven Crowder

10:06 Sam Seder vs. Tim Pool

11:35 Ana Kasparian vs. Ann Coulter

13:03 Chris Hahn vs. Michael Knowles

14:29 Marianne Williamson vs. Dave Rubin

16:23 David Pakman vs. Jesse Lee Peterson

17:08 Andrew Neil vs. Ben Shapiro

18:44 Joe Rogan vs. Candace Owens

20:22 Vaush vs. Tim Pool

21:54 David Pakman vs. Dave Rubin

23:12 Sam Seder vs. Steven Crowder