Amazing ID Refusal – Extreme ego check


Original video


  • This cop is an huge embarrassment to all law enforcement officers …he yells and screams at the citizen, but when he gets on the radio, or his own supervisor approaches, he completely changes his demeanor .


  • If I was sitting on a police review board I would recommend this officer for a psych test and retraining.
    I see 2 major issues here.
    1) His main job was to back up his partner.
    Hard to do that when your not backing up your partner.
    2) He took a supervisor away from her job.


  • He knew exactly what the law was and tried intimidation to get his way all he ended up doing was failing to do his job.


  • What a punk. There is no reason for this contact except to attempt to intimidate this photographer. He can ask all day and no one is obligated to give up their rights. These cops know the law and choose to ignore it because they can violate people’s rights with impunity.


  • “Did I ask you for ID?” The level of cowardess once his boss was there is amazing… She says “No, he explained to me pretty well”… What did he explain? Surely not told the truth. I’d pull up the bodycam footage and send it to her… is that what he explained to you pretty well? I guess not.


  • Yes they can ask for ID, but being told a dozen or so times” no”, is hardly vague. Asked and answered 12+ times. That’s attempted harassment and intimidation, grind you down til you (may) give in.
  • Cop wasn’t asking in a reasonable manner. He demanded it and only backed down when he was challenged. When anyone walks up to your face and makes loud demands it is clearly an act of intimidation. Simply put, what would the cops do if you walked up on them in the same manner?
  • At 4:00, The cop says, That’s the last time I’m going to ask you (for your ID). Then proceeded to ask him seven more times. The behavior of this cop is a prime example of narcissism.
  • So by the officer’s logic the photographer is creating a disturbance if he films them without identifying himself. And not creating a disturbance if he does identify. This cop has lost his shit, I really hope he watches this video and sees how stupid he sounds! Photographer your policy is to identify, officer yeah and your policy is, photographer I don’t have a policy, I’m dying over here. This cop is killing me, gunphones oh my God, we need more interaction with this officer.
  • Blame shifting.” Thanks for the word for the concept of blaming an auditor for the chaos caused by the cop.
  • If she’s happy saying that’s just him maybe she knows he’s a bit unstable!


  • 16:12 – Isn’t that cute how he casually walked over to make sure he gets to give his side of the situation before the supervisor hears what’s going on? I can hear it now – ” He won’t give me his ID. He thinks he knows the law, Mr. Lawyer. He’s one of those “rights” guys.” Then the supervisor would say, “Alright. Well, I’ll try getting him and then he can go to jail with that attitude.”


  • This cop is a flagrant intimidator. What you prefer, he will violate. He tries to install a policy on your side, and then tells you he has “a right” to ask you for ID. This is true, but you have a right to decline. Now, back to the Constitution and your oath – what was that about rights? Officer safety is one form of blame shift. But they also use YOUR safety to direct you into what they want. They authorize themselves to have authority over you and “safety” is their way in, but they work each side to qualify your rights. Nothing this cam man is doing gives the cop anything to work with. This cop isn’t just bad. He’s outta date. Sounds like he took his test when the qualifications to be a cop were relaxed or set lower. Actually, he sounds like an a$sh*le. How’d you like having that voice in your ear, being his wife. Ugh…!


  • I understand that everyone is focused on the interaction between the cop and the cameraman but, I think the cop is there to distract the camera to him and off of the stop itself. I remember the guy auditing the military base and they got in his face, then he elevated the camera over their heads on a tele pole to eliminate them blocking the camera. They looked so lost at that point. It was great!
  • what do these police do so easily that makes them so afraid of cameras that they assign a designated distraction for videographers?
  • Amazing how you could have 20 people standing around a crime scene, but the police always approach the one with the camera.


  • Everyone including the auditor here seemed to forget that the officer did threaten with arrest and say that denying ID was a crime. They decided quickly to cover that misunderstanding up, and apparently the auditor forgot. It wasn’t just his aggressive demeanor. He outright lied with intention of intimidating this man into giving his name.
  • What’s crazy is cops like this get promotions instead of being fired like they should be


  • Always amazes me how much an ID can dispell all their suspicions.


  • The cop was so afraid of this guy that he turned his back on him, hilarious


  • I noticed that the way he talks into the radio and the way he talks to the citizen were very different. Listen to his voice.
  • 12:30 – So because the rare concern comes up, EVERYBODY is a suspect, everybody is potentially a criminal. Right? So this cop admitted they see each person as a threat – “you know how it is out there.” So, what? There is one in 40,000 who would harm a cop, and that increases with population. Now we find justification for how THE PEOPLE are treated, and rights are violated under an assumption that you are already something you aren’t yet. Same thing with this cop. You are exercising your rights, where you should be, and then he conveys what your lawful actions ARE into what he needs to make them, by context. Sorry, dumb cop. You can’t reassign an ‘action’ (toward intent) because laws can’t be installed to contravene the Constitution and our rights. See how “they” corrupt the view, the perspective? It’s less obvious these days but “they” still do it. “They” just don’t insist it the same way. After all, “what ate you gonna do about it?” Sue the cops, the department, the human.


  • Old video. But, when ever a cop wonders why you won’t provide ID, ask for theirs right back. “Are you trying to hide something?”


  • For someone concerned about his safety he sure is quick to turn his face away and look away when he talks on the radio.
  • OK, this cop is certifiably crazy! He has ranted for over a minute straight and says he is not the one creating a scene? Wow, denial ain’t just a River in Egypt.


  • Shoot.. classic roid-rage! Scary that there are folks like him walking around out there with badges and guns. Sad to see the lady cop put her head in the sand and cover for his obnoxious behavior. No good will come from protecting a guy like him. Next time he will cause bodily hard or perhaps kill someone and then what will she say… “no I don’t see a problem – he explained it to me and makes sense“? This guy is the type to get butt-hurt easily and I can see him planting drugs on people down the line or giving the next guy he comes upon a beating because that guy isn’t holding a camera phone… bummed to see this happen


  • Funny how he changed his story. Both of these cops are liars.


  • You see how his attitudes changed, now he’s trying to be friendly and laugh with the guy. When he came up aggressive. I can’t stand when the cops always think they’re right. That they know the law 100% even when time and time again they’re proven wrong. But they won’t ever change their ways cuz they investigate themselves and discipline themselves and they NEVER find wrong doing UNLESS it’s caught on camera and they damn near killed someone or beat the hell out of someone!


  • IF I were this officers Chief, I truly would tell this cop to calm down for his own good.
    He comes across as ineffective and hostile.


  • COP – “Ok, now that you’re filming me and everything, let me see your ID”.
    ME – But officer the only crime here is your haircut.


  • This is brilliant. The dude was so chill he deserves an award. Great to watch thankyou


  • I like this auditor. He sounds so relaxed. Like his sarcastic laugh aswel


  • It’s funny how he talks so normal to his sergeant but he was so loud and aggressive and raspy to the auditor


  • This is a perfect example of what’s wrong with law enforcement today, officers forget who they work for.


  • This guy HAS to be a former marine drill sgt. Just look at his stance, demeanor, hair and graveley voice. He is NOT used to being told no. Great job by the auditor standing his ground!


  • No, it’s ‘ not an ego, it’s training to look threatening. Police officers are trained to control every situation as the matter of their safety, and this is good example of this cop putting up a performance. He himself is clearly not that badass, but he is doing his best to perform the act – but has not enough in him to last long.
  • Camera guy handled that very well. Even made the cop laugh cause he realized how ridiculous his little rant was
  • I wouldn’t want to give him my ID based on the fact that he seems to be insane and I wouldn’t want an insane person with a gun and the ability to get away with murder to know where I live.
  • I thought he was only going ask one more time(liar). . More like he walked up on the man to try to intimidate. The auditor should have just not even talked to him, that would have drove that cop crazy. From what I’ve seen, cops have nothing but disdain for auditors, or anybody who doesn’t kiss their axxes
  • This cop did a GREAT JOB! …. Of distracting the auditor from recording the traffic stop.
  • Opinion: “Prior restraint” This is a “consensual conversation” devised by the cop to consume the time and attention of the camera operator, with the sole intention to distract from the event.


  • If you’re willing to risk it, put your hands in your pockets in this “non-detainment” Once the cop demands you remove your hands from said pockets do so. You have now complied with a show of authority, and you have now been detained. Thereby requiring him to explain to a judge why he detained you once you take them to court.
  • I have a problem.. the sgt drives up without her headlights on. I’d be concerned. You know for officer safety and probably the public too.

Recommended Dash Cam:

State Troopers Freaks Out Over Camera

Why would you do this?
Why would you do this?
This is a throwback audit that was definitely underrated. Since this was going up on Facebook I decided to upload for the new subscribers


These clowns are unfortunately exemplary specimens of the 2 worst traits in law enforcement… paranoia and low intelligence. As a bonus they are excellent in wasting funds for a frivolous pursuit of answers


Holy shit the amount of money in maintenance for flight time is crazy. They spent all that money just to film you filming. They got some really good footage too. Got better footage of the facility than you ever would have got. They are so dumb 😅


My blood boiled just watching this. The fact that Leo’s are taking a lawful activity and trying to turn it into an illegal activity is disgusting. Interesting how they confront someone who is a law abiding citizen but when it comes criminals who attack innocent people they refuse to take action.
He’d doesn’t have any ID and does not want to Identify himself. Cop Code for he’s a troublemaker. Time to escalate and intimidate.
When you know you exist to harm and not help the public, you [police] will be terrified when the public video records the public building from which you harm the public.
It’s a shame how their enthusiasm stops at the entrance to a school shooting.
You have to love the irony in the expenditure of resources for a non crime and the lack of action for a real crime and threat. Truly only cowards would exert such power against a citizen who is not committing a crime and hide when a person is killing children and teachers. The only reason they approached that man is because he didn’t pose a threat. Edit: The helicopter would run between 380 and 420 an hour just for fuel.
The footage from the helicopter was probably more valuable to someone trying to gather Intel on the building than any footage from his cameras.
After awhile the things they say just start sounding not only the same but just insane. this is madness.
If what the cops are doing to this guy is not harassment, I don’t know what is.
2016 seems like 1000 years ago in the scope of 1st amendment audits. The ridiculous over reaction to Phil walking down the side walk with a camera is beyond the pale. A chopper, troopers blocking off traffic, officers back away from him as if he is carrying a bazooka. Absolute insanity.
Too bad they are to scared to protect our children like they protect “their” building.
Imagine treating people so badly that you’re afraid they’re gonna come blow up your building.
Handled PERFECTLY, Phillip. As soon as you said, almost under your breath, “Am I detained” they said “No” and you immediately began walking away. Yet, he insisted that you weren’t being detained after physically blocking your exit.
“We need your ID so if this building gets blown up we can blame you for it. Come on man, why wont you give your ID?!”
I have to stop around 3:50, to point out that the police officer doesn’t even seem to know when 9/11 actually happened. He points out in the last (5) years, but 9/11 happened in 2001. If this was in 2016, then 9/11 was 15 years prior not 5 years. What was it that happened in The Last 5 Years prior to this video that’s got him so worked up? DHHS memo Maybe?
I remember this. These guys want to be knee deep in an “incident” so badly. “Why would you want to?”
Fascinating response to filming places they deem odd. Their paranoia is fueled when you don’t sheepishly comply with their questions. They know it is a consensual conversation but get more alarmed when you lack their same desire to talk to them.
The fact that LE reversed AGAINST TRAFFIC to follow a person with a camera, risking an accident is just astonishing.
“It may be a matter of interest to others. That’s why I’m recording.” They couldn’t understand that. But 1 hour after you post it, there are 11,000 views. There will be 250,000 views in a week or two, if not more.
When you asked him a question.. “what’s odd about taking pictures of a public building”, his answer was just, “because”. Imagine the response you would get if you answered their questions by saying, “because”!
“We want to ID you” because you’ll be the first one to be arrested if something happens.
Ha, they gave you even better footage of the building/grounds (via the COPter Cam) than you could capture on the ground…Silly Cops tricks are for Auditors!
Watching this vintage video and thinking how bad the DPS has been withholding information on the Ulvade shooting. I cant trust them AT ALL!

Police are Addicted to Identification, as if it were Crack

The poor old grey haired cop who thought he would get ID really needs to consider retirement. The sergeant initially tried to push his luck getting ID but fortunately he was sensible enough to back down.

Fastest way to trigger a cop is tell them no. They hear the word no and they will look for any reason to punishment you.


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That short white-haired cop is a nut job. “It’s not that hard” the supervisor says. Yeah, it’s not that hard to violate law abiding people’s rights.

They must be doing some extremely illegal and immoral activities if they are this persistent in identifying anyone that might hold them accountable.

They must be doing some extremely illegal and immoral activities if they are this persistent in identifying anyone that might hold them accountable.

The officers always get winded and visibly upset when the people know their rights

if the Houston pd can afford to send 6-8 guys out to harass a guy with a camera on a public sidewalk, they are overfunded.

I didn’t think you were going to jail. These cops clearly did know 38.02 because they never threatened to arrest you if you didn’t ID. They knew you didn’t have to. I lived in TX 34 years ago and back then the cops would routinely tell people that it was illegal for an adult to be in public without and ID.

come on police depts. train your cops better. its that simple.

Every cop that says “they way things are today” needs to be punched in the face 12 times.



Official Police Report is “Unreliable Narrator” of Encounter


  • Just wait till the end to hear the officer’s official police report and compare with the video.


  • Unreliable Narrator: Police Auditors provide a useful exercise for understanding self-serving History.  We get to see the creation of official records and compare them with video.  It would be interesting to conduct a wider sample of police reports to see how pervasive this phenomena is.
  • The sad part is his desperation to get info; when he asked her to come with him to the front of the car he knew what he was trying to do. If you’re reading this sir, you are a very sad man. You do not represent integrity in any form or fashion.  (police entrapment)


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  • GST is becoming my favorite auditor. She is so calm and correct it makes it fun to watch the tyrants twist into a pretzel to justify their actions


  • This cop has a lot of opinions on what she was doing , yet no laws were broken, Why does he need to mention that her conduct made others not do their job? in his report?


  • The officer kept interrupting her when she tried to tell him that photography can’t be the sole reason for suspicious activity because it’s legal in public


  • The cop knew early on that he was wrong, that’s when the power trip kicked in and he tried on multiple occasions to bully her into submission, fail


  • The statement about the ‘FAA manager” and the “FAA command center in DC” is complete nonsense… I worked for the FAA as a radar air traffic controller for 30 years... IF the entire FAA management suddenly disappeared from the facility, we controller would never miss a single instruction call to any aircraft.. If the FAA command center in DC disappeared we would never notice… no ATC duties were even the tiniest bit “interfered” with..


  • This whole “See Something Say Something” mentality in this day and age! Granite State has provided proof that these tyrants lie through their teeth all the time. Turning legal activity into a crime is their mindset! Thanks SJVT for bringing this to your channel!


  • Everything he referred to about trespassing was nothing to do with your video taping…you were abiding by the law. This villain twisted and turned and tried jamming you up with his corrupt actions. He was a sneak and a dishonest cop with no integrity.


  • All he is accomplishing is proving his ignorance of the law. How embarrassing it must be to him when he started realizing she knew more about the law then he did and he is supposed to be law enforcement!
  • I’m sure she certainly appreciated being told something she already knew and had already taught you! Just saying. This video is little more than halfway over but I know he’s going to do some cop speak to explain why he was screwing up so bad And then give her some kind of order about staying off the property or don’t go into the street and Impede traffic or for safety reasons!
  • She did not force the cops to come out and investigate illegal activity. Talk about escalating something into more than what it actually should’ve been!
  • So she didn’t meet the requirements for trespass, per the officer.


  • He crawled back under his stone once you stood your ground. Excellent vid. This creep realised his error and tried to smooth it out with you. Great exposure of a villain who no doubt has committed similar acts of oath breaking. His ‘report’ about this ‘incident’ was pure paranoia and BS. They are strong against the weak, and weak against the strong. Stay strong. Stay safe.


  • He was most certainly trying to cover up how stupid she made him look! She was trying to keep from being followed by a Little boy that got his feelings hurt! Why would anybody in the world want to be followed home whether it’s a cop or not? Tell me if this sounds familiar? “In this day and age “ you never know what kind of person it is that’s trying to follow you whether they’re in uniform or not. If you’re a female you have to be suspicious of anyone that’s following you when they have absolutely no reason to do so.  You were stalking her and trying to get all her information because she hurt your feelings and you wanted to get eve


  • She is amazing! I love how she is so calm and reserve. Good follow up to her video.


  • A more or less realistic example of of your basic cop unable to process the fact that the photographer is exercising a right guaranteed by the same Constitution the cop swore to uphold…


  • “Trespass” the go to charge of the day. “Get back for my safety” the catch phrase. “Stop resisting stop resisting”. The battle cry.


  • Between Granite State Transparency in Massachusetts and Auditing America in Rhode seems the cops up there are most seems to be a whole different level in New England..scary.


  • You would be acting oddly if you were being stalked by an armed man.


  • I would love to see you guys get more organized. More like a large entity, like the police or organized crime. So it’s not one against a bunch of cops and the system. Be in groups, have lawyers on standby, have a fund that all of you pay into to help the ones that get arrested, have the laws in hand and high lighted for the purpose of education. I could go on. Get professional and actually make a difference. At this point they don’t fear you guys at all. I would love for you to respond back to me and tell me what you think. Thanks


  • Damn. This cop needs to be a writer. He can spin quite a story. He was doing his best to make you seem crazy .


  • What law is it so it’s a “federal law” I just told you. Lol. But why don’t you tell me exactly which federal law it is the one with numbers. He’s the one interrupting. A real lawyer would tear this officers report apart into shreds I love how he’s trying to make himself look good in the report like he’s doing everything quote on quote by the book. Oh poor baby his life is so hard. Well nobody told her to leave and she had yet to actually enter the property. She has to have actually been inside the fence in order for that to work. Yeah watching this having a lawsuit would be probably easy because this cop clearly as fishing for anything he can get his hands on to arrest her and so far he’s having trouble finding anything mostly because she knows what she’s talking about and he doesn’t have a clue what she’s talking about. He did a double investigation. I’d be sueing the company for trying to illegally aquire my name


  • As a United States Marine that fought for the freedoms we enjoy and Vietnam corpsman father fought before me this is Despicable when you take a position as a cop to Serve and Protect not act like you’re a lawyer or Gestapo thank God there’s young people like these people in the world bringing to light the blue corruption about time way2go New Generation the world is in good hands keep up the great work Semper Fi oorah


  • Well thanks to this cop we all now know exactly what goes on behind the fence. This information is now common knowledge to the criminal/terrorist community and its all thanks to an ignorant security guard and an equally ignorant, officious, over zealous cop who, who had he educated himself in the law, would not have needed to respond to the call in the first place.


  • If police would simply avoid confronting people who aren’t breaking the law no “disturbance” would be created. In this scenario the police and the complainant are the public disturbance, not the auditor.


  • Cop: “I don’t want to set you up for failure”. Salem witch hunt here.


  • When an officer says they are trying to figure it out that means they don’t know the law and they are going to try to trump up something


  • When I seen the clip from CT3 I knew I had seen the video before, I didn’t realize it was that long ago. I was a creeped out then as seeing again today. That was completely incompetent, didn’t hold knowledge of basic laws that everybody should (ie the constitution, trespass, public easement, ID requirements) and a few others, but seeing that report is even scarier than what I saw in the video. He he will lie to that extent over someone taking pictures from a sidewalk, I can only imagine a case where there is actual crime. He will turn a trespasser into a murderer. I think that would constitute immediate separation from any position granting limited authority. I better never see him in Disney World with a camera, I’m calling the police… Lol


  • Yes, he stalked her at 18:01 by order of the government…
  • always waive your rights on request and everything will be ok
  • There is no Federal law that pertains to photographing Federal facilities from public property…total bs by the police who haven’t been properly trained in dealing with these types of situations.
  • Too many law enforcement officers don’t know the laws they are paid very well to uphold
  • If a cop will go to this extreme with someone doing absolutely nothing wrong imagine if you’ve committed a small infraction, if you’re on probation (how he could destroy your entire life and you’re actually working hard to rebuild), if your a young person and he’s the officer giving you your first charge! Cops like this are dangerous
  • If you can’t hold up a book you should not be a police officer.
  • Notice the power lines directly overhead indicating a public easement you have 20 minutes while detained to either arrest me and charge me or let me go!
  • “An officer cannot expand the scope of a stop to investigate other suspected illegal acitivity”, why don’t you read the rest of the law -> “…unless the…”?
  • I believe the first man who came up to the gate trying to get her ID was indeed a security guard, why else would he have walked away & said he’ll get the police if he was indeed “with the police force”???
  • it’s a felony for a security guard to make someone think that he’s a police officer by saying what does it look like when someone asks him if he’s a police officer.
  • The no trespassing sign is valid from the surface of the sign and fencing backwards, not forwards. In back of the sign it would be trespassing.
  • Rarely people end up being paid as part of their job to do what they most desire: playing baseball, travel, eating, watching movies. Cop work is unique in that a vast number of people end up being paid to indulge in their desire to mislead, intimidate, physically abuse, lie, and even kill or all of the above.
  • Gotta love his passive aggressive behavior. Acting like your friend to violate your rights
  • Once again, another officer who thinks that “suspicious activity” is enough to detain someone. They are trained that they need “RAS” (reasonable articulable suspicion) to detain, when it’s really reasonable articulable suspicion OF A CRIME. Maybe we need to start FOIA requesting police training materials so we can petition them to change RAS to RASOAC.
  • It is so embarrassing that this officer had no clue about the laws and what he was talking about. Officer Weiss was making up nonsense about “security issues” with FAA in his report. She did not cross the fence at any time during the course of her footage, therefore there was no “crimal trespass” or evidence of criminal activity solely by filming the outside of a government facility. She was not required to provide an ID if there is no evidence of criminal activity present. He is only trying to save face after being embarrassed of his lack of basic knowledge law and police procedure. He gets a “F” for his performance. This would be a complaint case against the officer of possible misconduct and falsification of official documents that would fall on my desk when I was in Internal Affairs.   – Sgt. D. Brown, (ret.) – Denver Sheriff’s Department
  • Fences are built to enclose property… if you’re going to lay claim to ground that is OUTSIDE that fence… then you need to move the fence. . Also… If it’s possible to conduct reconnaissance from outside the fence… then you need to build a wall.
  • Let’s face it, if someone was doing recon or casing the joint, you would not see the camera. Can’t people see a setup? Setup may be the wrong word to use, but I hope you get the general idea.
  • I have an idea…how bout cops start carrying lawn chairs in their trunks, that way the person they’ve detained for nothing can sit down while they search their law books looking for something that they can say you did wrong!
  • “Show ID if you didn’t do anything wrong”….. well why not make LEOs personnel files public if they are not doing anything wrong.
  • So many lies on an official report. Nothing this cops says or does should ever be believed. The only thing he should be allowed to ask people in the future is “Would you like fries with that?”
  • This video demonstrates why we shouldn’t talk to police and that we should record everything. They will write reports full of lies.
  • Police do not need to know law abiding citizens names or other personal information. It’s NONE OF THEIR BUSINESS.
  • The whole report was one lie on top of another. At end of report he states it was raining? Girls video shows overcast skies but I don’t see any rain.
  • so this is the comment I make when I watch all these videos. We can draw two conclusions. 1 over and over and over the police officers don’t know the law. Making them incompetent to hold the job. Or they do know the law and they’re doing it on purpose, making their actions a criminal act. Prosecutable by the federal, RICO statute. So which is it, incompetent or Criminal? Or both?
  • This officer proves they teach NOTHING in the academy about real law or how to search for real laws if they need to.
  • Did the security guard really just say that! “it’s a special law” . . .
  • If there are any law enforcement dispatch people out there please please do not send law enforcement officers to complaints like this they are unfounded and their fears are unrealistic. People with cameras are not criminals it’s time that this vicious cycle be done away with. Please just inform the caller that they are not to interfere or restrict in any way a Citizens First Amendment right to photograph in public thank you
  • have you ever seen such a pathetic example of back pedaling? this cop is a laughing stock.
  • She should have asked the cop if he had the permission of the property owner to park and or loiter on their property…….
  • Long is wrong. Never get in to debates with cops and other busybodies. “I’m taking pictures in public, have a nice day (or kick rocks).” And shut up and shut up some more. Once your legal status is (quickly) expressed, nothing more needs to be said. The longer you talk, the weaker your position becomes. Do not ever fill an awkward silence, let it be awkward for the cops, not you. When you’re in the right you don’t have to explain yourself. Keep recording everything. If you’re touched, you have a claim for battery. Also, bottom-line. Don’t even take up auditing w/o being prepared to be arrested. If you do everything right and are arrested, you have recourse. If you do it wrong, you have made things bad for yourself and the entire 1A auditing movement.
  • They can’t keep you no more then a few minutes anything over 25 mins is illegal
  • I’d would be one thing if they were just asking ur name but when they ID u they run u thru the system which even if it comes back clean ur name gets put into a database that shows when where and why u just had ur ID ran, no thank you
  • Aw come on security guards have to know by now about how much authority they have outside the boundary over which they have guardianship. and the police are proving that the courts are right . the police don’t have to have any intelligence.! Even I know that no trespassing means beyond the sign.on the land behind the fence and i haven’t been to police academy. He proves he can read badly but comprhension is obviously beyond his tiny brain. and criminal tresspass means she has to do something wrong any way. pleasre say police are being trained better than this bumbler who is also prone to conspracy theories.! And he then became a stalker my goodness he is so desperate for some excitement in his life. Please put your citizens out of suspense and allocate the shiny boots, the armbands with ss on them and their “papers” !


  • Walking down a public easement with a camera and no guns or weapons and stop by armed man .
  • This cop had no idea what to do because he didn’t know the law. He didn’t even know what an easement was…..POS..
  • She did NOT pull them away from their duty’s, the cop did.
  • I’m a cop but wait I’ll have the cops here in a minute.
  • He said enclosed by a fence! The grassed area is not fenced!
  • Seems he got upset he had to read something, seems to not enjoy reading.
  • She is on the EASEMENT !!!!! Full stop.
