Cop Attempts to Ticket Motorist for Speeding without knowing Speed Limit



The cop didn’t know what the speed limit is BUT he knows he was going 10% over the limit. Amazing precision amidst ignorance.
7:45 – if I was a traffic judge, as soon as the officer said he didn’t know what the speed limit was at that point, I’d instantly dismiss the ticket and reprimand the officer. How do you know he was going 10% over, without radar, and without knowing the actual speed limit?!
Instead of just owning the mistake, he knowingly backs his officers lies with more lies, and they wonder why citizens don’t like them.
Cop admits when retelling his story, “I pulled you over BECAUSE of the phone.” Proof they hire the dumbest people they can find.
The worst part about a ticket like the one that could have been issued is that the officer wouldn’t show up to court so he wouldn’t have to be wrong. The police get paid overtime and get promotions based on tickets given, not convictions.
The cops are out of control in this country great job for the citizen for standing up for his rights we all need to do it
I love how cops lie and get caught still try to get your ID. this cop is dirty and should be fired.
This is a prime definition of “fishing”! If they get get us for their “interpretation of the laws”, we’re in really big trouble
Would it kill a supervisor to just come out and say “yeah, my officer was wrong. I’ll explain to him what he did wrong so it won’t happen again. Have a good day. You’re free to go”. No citizen would EVER mind hearing that.
Nope, almost never. They don’t want to deal with the civil liability (even though it’s our tax dollars that would be used in the settlement). So they will double down.
Ego won’t let them
I’ve very seldom heard a cop or other government employee admit being wrong or offer an apology.Their egos are to big.
The whole issue here is that once a cop says something no matter how stupid, he feels like he has to stick with it. No matter how stupid, no matter how you prove he was wrong. And the supervisor has to back him up no matter how petty and trivial the matter is.
Show the cop he’s wrong, he immediately moves the goalpost. Lying is all they know.
How that didn’t escalate into being ripped out of the drivers seat I’ll never know. Well done. You stood up for exactly what you felt was right.
He was white, that’s how
The camera is why, obviously. No cop will obey the law when nobody is looking. But some of the smarter ones will obey on camera.
The cop completely lost the argument when he admitted he didn’t actually know what the speed limit was. How do you know if someone is speeding if you don’t know the limit?
If the cops are ever harassing you, just run inside the nearest school. They will never enter a school to make an arrest.
Cops needs to be fired immediately. The sergeant even was making fun then tried to fabricate an id infraction.
What a waste of resources, I’d ask him to write me that ticket for 2.5mph over the limit, just to watch the judge call him an idiot. No judge is going to uphold 2.5 mph speeding charge based on visual estimation, and they should be pissed at any police officer who thinks that is worth the courts time.
This, even the pettiness and/or small impact, is a bridge event. Take nothing, give nothing. If the cop pushed at the 10%, and demanded identification, and went ahead and wrote the ticket… seems like a slam shut case of 18 242, especially with the 30 mph signage. Unfortunately, statistics on bad arrests/ unfounded ticketing/ ect. are not provided.
First said the guy was on the phone and officer said my mistake then the officer didn’t even know what the speed limit was. This officer absolutely is pulling people over for no reason. Then lie a officer that does this is corrupt period. Should be fired.
I’ll tell you exactly why that 2nd officer let him go. Because he knew that a man driving a Ford Raptor probably has the money to fight them and sue them.
It’s the camera. They can’t seize the footage, so they know they will be caught.
He should have mentioned to the “stupervisor” that’s the cop assumed he was going over 10% of the posted speed limit, but the officer couldn’t tell him what the speed limit was.
“We can stop you to check your license.” If that’s true we are all screwed.
he forgot to mention they can initiate a stop on a whim, then demand identity papers. It’s down to the character and fortitude of their target whether there is challenge to the validity of the stop…
Ironic how the officer stated that he was driving over the speed limit, yet doesn’t know the speed limit himself. He then states with 100% certainty that he was driving 27.5 mph, and then we find out the speed limit is 30 mph.
 @Michael Dose  Arkansas is a stop and ID state on one condition and that’s loitering!! They will use that everytime to get your ID!!! You can park your car in Walmart parking lot, immediately get out and walk to the doors and they will call that loitering just to ID you!!! That is no joke!!!
 @The Nope  They took Sandra Bland to jail. I think I will ‘comply or die’.
I don’t know of any which allows them to arbitrarily pull people over in Texas. However, Texas is the ONLY state I’m aware of that has a law which allows officers to take ANYONE to jail on ANY traffic infraction. It is of course officer discretion but I don’t know of ANY other state with that law. If I’m wrong I would like to know.

Police are Addicted to Identification, as if it were Crack

The poor old grey haired cop who thought he would get ID really needs to consider retirement. The sergeant initially tried to push his luck getting ID but fortunately he was sensible enough to back down.

Fastest way to trigger a cop is tell them no. They hear the word no and they will look for any reason to punishment you.


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That short white-haired cop is a nut job. “It’s not that hard” the supervisor says. Yeah, it’s not that hard to violate law abiding people’s rights.

They must be doing some extremely illegal and immoral activities if they are this persistent in identifying anyone that might hold them accountable.

They must be doing some extremely illegal and immoral activities if they are this persistent in identifying anyone that might hold them accountable.

The officers always get winded and visibly upset when the people know their rights

if the Houston pd can afford to send 6-8 guys out to harass a guy with a camera on a public sidewalk, they are overfunded.

I didn’t think you were going to jail. These cops clearly did know 38.02 because they never threatened to arrest you if you didn’t ID. They knew you didn’t have to. I lived in TX 34 years ago and back then the cops would routinely tell people that it was illegal for an adult to be in public without and ID.

come on police depts. train your cops better. its that simple.

Every cop that says “they way things are today” needs to be punched in the face 12 times.
