Officer Straight Up Lies To Detain Citizen

Officer with Personal Animus makes “Trumped Up Charges” against Motorcyclist


  • “You’re blocking the alley.” Proceeds to park 3 police cruisers blocking entire alley for 30 minutes


  • The fact that officers can’t get in trouble for acting like this is horrendous

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  • Thank you, Garland PD for protecting citizens from dangerous alley-blockers whose motorcycles stick 3 inches into an alley for 2 minutes while attended by the owner. You are true heroes!


  • I used to be a cop. This young cop made a mistake and was desperately trying to save face but his his pride made it impossible for him to back off. I’ve seen this many times. The cop painted himself into a corner.


  • Crazy how ordinary citizens, know more about the law than the actual law officers. That is so so dangerous


  • It’s no longer protect and serve, it’s harass and assault.
    I’m just sick of it. We need to go back to the days of a sheriff and a couple deputies to enforce the big stuff (warrants, etc…). Let everyone protect themselves, cause police sure aren’t protecting anyone


  • My dad was Detroit police officer for 35 years. I’ll never forget when he told me that some police forget they took a oath to protect and serve, not bother and harass.


  • @Mark French they don’t teach law in the police training. If they don’t study up the law themselves then they don’t know it.


  • “There’s a disturbance in the area but we’re gonna have 3 officers stand here for 30 minutes while I try to illegally acquire your ID for your bike sticking out 6 inches” what a joke


  • “You know how this works.”
    “No i dont.”
    “Well maybe you need to be trained better.”


  • The insanity of all this is that they presumably stopped him for “blocking the alley”, even though he wasn’t, but they COMPLETELY blocked it for at least a half hour.


  • I love how the dad said “this is exactly why there’s a divide between the law and citizens”!


  • This is why civilians must be on all police review boards. Want this behavior to stop, this is the way. There should be no reason for police to resist this ,unless there covering for there own.


  • Regardless of the jaw dropping ignorance cops have of the law, there seems to be another very disturbing aspect to this.


  • It’s obvious that police are under huge pressure to run as many people through the system as possible.


  • The police are not motivated to serve and protect, but to meet quotas, and police will do anything to get them.


  • Police are not judged by how good they are at their jobs, their use of logic and knowledge of the law. Instead they are rated purely on the number of victims they can push through the system. The more victims they can run through the system the more likely they are to be protected by the system.


  • The fact the cops says “You think you’re in charge, you are not in charge right now” says all you need to know, this was a “Respect my Authority” moment.


  • The refusal of the Chief to meet up and the refusal to turn over the bodycam and dashcam footage tells us all we need to know, doesn’t it?


  • “I could arrest you, but I’ll write you a ticket instead!” Laugh-a-minute buffoon! Disabled motor vehicle is not an arrestable offence, just a lawsuit-able one! Ka-ching! Three thug cops down the drain! 🤣


  • Who oversees police certification in Texas? I’ve seen way too many videos of improper training by Texas officers for it to be a “department by department” problem at this point.


  • @J dER let alone none of them have knowledge of 38.02. yet people all over the world can quote 38.02 because of this. great call out


  • This is a textbook case of the cop doing EVERYTHING wrong! He starts off by lying and harassing this guy for no reason. He clearly doesn’t know much about the law that he’s been hired to enforce. He clearly was absent many times in training and doesn’t understand de-escalating a situation. From everything we see in this video, the problems appear to be from the top down The dad is right, it’s guys like this that cause a divide between police and the public. This video needs to be used in police training on what NOT to do as an officer. I’m not anti police, I actually think they have a very tough job, but there’s just too many “cowboys” out there that cause more issues than they fix!


  • @Robert Steele it wasn’t a traffic violation it was a parking violation so no he is not required to provide identification. It’s those little details that ARE relevant 😉


  • Ryan’s bodycam also captures the audio of his heartrate. It’s incredible how nervous people can be around police, our servant protectors. Police do not emanate safety vibes… They emanate terror.


  • Ummmmm… When the officer said “I’ll be seeing you again” it was an open threat and could mean anything . Now this young man and his family must live in fear of this officer and his department. Both he and his family should file protection orders against him and demand his dismissal as well as his arrest . Civil suits should ensue . If the body cam footage isn’t released at the hearings then thier superior officer should be fined as well .


  • Look how long it takes these officer to leave his property. Wow. Hope his attorney has a field day with him court.


  • Completely amazed that they have the perceived right to trespass citizens from public property and arrest them for not moving fast enough, yet move slower than molasses uphill in Winter time when they are on private property owned by that very citizen?!?


  • What a big man he is, he definitely was having a power trip. Stay strong and careful, always record. Much love from Queensland Australia 💜


  • Sad to say I guarantee that this poor guy is going to be hassled constantly around town in the future. It’s sad.


  • Great work by lackluster as normal. I want this guy in the Senate.


  • This is exactly the type of tactics that, left unchecked, open the door to a police state… they need to be challenged at every turn and people need to be fully aware of and well versed in their constitutional rights!


  • Biggest problem is that the other officers are standing there and not stopping this from happening.


  • It’s amazing the other 2 officers knew this was all wrong but went along with it. I used to have the most respect for officers, but these videos show what tyrants they are


  • I have had run in with pigs like that. And I have talked to real cops. That was just a show of power abuse of the badge. It didn’t get him anywhere. Glad you stood your ground bro.


  • Great job standing up for yourself bro. This little tyrant lives on intimidation. It might have gone badly for you without your camera and witnesses on the phone. What pissed me off more than the threats of violating your rights was the other 2 cops letting him get away with it. Keep that law suit going.


  • Once again, ignorant corrupt cops escalating and turning nothing into a crime. Sue them all.


  • I like how he’s polite to the other officers. I think treating people with the same respect they give you is very respectable


  • Cops have been getting away with too much ever since even the 50’s, 60’s, like getting into my friends car and pushing the gas pedal to the floor because he said he had loud pipes, (the cop failed) and got away with it.
    One of my friends got a ticket for not having his rear view mirror adjusted so the cop could see himself through the rear window while in his car. Cop got away with it.


  • Is it any wonder people hate the gestapo police.
    And then they have the nerve to call themselves the area (wherever they are ) as the so and so finest. I lived in a bad neighborhood a long time ago (large city) called the police and they finally came 5 hours later and the cop only walked down the street 80 feet with a large vest and a gun and went back to his car. Scared as hell. But when it comes to a ticket they are brave.


  • If a cop refuses to ID, you already know you’re dealing with a terrible person who doesn’t deserve their badge.


  • Had this happen to me in Bernalillo, NM. This is how a lot of police are acting now. Not serving and protecting but harassing the elderly and law abiding citizens. Glad I sewed the police department and won.


Mayor Defends Man After Cops Oppose Recording


What really irritates me is when the cops always seem to “arrest” someone for doing something that was constitutionally protected, but later on lower the charges to something minor because they need to justify why they arrested the individual and they know if they keep the original charge they’re gonna get sued.

There has to be a minimum level of ego and narcissism when hiring police officers. They’re never wrong. Ever.
Imagine if the guy who is recording had grabbed the officer’s arm with just as much hostility as he did to him. I wonder if the other officer would only watch as well
Unelected is more of a reason to be able to record, not less. Elected officials can be held accountable at the ballot box. Unelected cannot.
It’s amazing how the people put in place to enforce the law have no knowledge of the law, but lawyers have to spend 6 years to know the law inside and out. I think we got something mixed up…
This audit and the eavesdropping laws are a prime example of ‘give them an inch and they will take a mile’.
The very fact that they attempted to circumvent a statute into a bypass for the first amendment merely shows the level of education regarding the constitution and their understanding of it.
Big time embarrassment when the mayor comes in and removes the signs after the police and other public employees were so insistent on defending them. Great job to the mayor for taking them down and defending individual’s rights!