Turner vs Driver: 5th Circuit of Appeals Oral Argument Audio Recording 12/6/2016

Just listen to this judge and you’ll see what the biggest problem we are having with law enforcement these days. The cops lawyers are constantly attempting to dance around the U.S. Constitution. This judge constantly has to remind these lawyers that they do not have probable cause to even demand identification from Mr. Turner. I mean, they don’t get it, it’s crystal clear to anyone with half a brain that the cops in this case were completely acting outside of the law. There is no probable cause of a crime, video-taping from a public street cannot be considered suspicious or a crime. Cops hate when someone knows their rights, refusing to cooperate with an investigation that is being done on one’s self is also not a crime. Their entire argument is completely absurd and unreasonable.

And, as far as the woman judge goes, she should listen to what she stated. She talked about how busy the police are – Well, if they’re THAT busy, how about going out and fighting real crimes, rather than harassing, detaining and torturing, a citizen for performing a “non-crime”? What doesn’t she get, about THAT?

I find it to be astounding that not one of these judges ever asked what precisely the police were investigating ?!

Attorney wants the law to work like this: In Texas, despite Texas penal code 38.02, failure to identify is cause for further detainment until a finger print scanner can be brought to the scene to force your identity from you, even if the criteria for detainment or arrest is not met, hence no lawful reason to ID you. Well, the judge’s response on this one was on the mark,
“That’s Absurd”.

Officers putting a cuffed person in a car in the heat to ” make you sweat ” shows clear intent to cause them discomfort and impost negative reinforced behavior modification technique to impose their will on him , Essentially a form of torture . If given the opportunity where is their limit ? Driving the car on a person’s cuffed hands to ” make you talk ” . This behavior by police has no place in a free society . Stay strong and keep up the good work Mr. Turner .

Without a doubt, the lawyer for the state shows that the police have a different set of rules the general public… clearly there is a divide

What “could be” is not justification to detain anyone. The moment the courts rule it is lawful to detain someone based on SPECULATION about what they “could be” up to, absence of actual evidence, then that allows government to speculate away everyone’s rights at anytime under any imagined circumstance.

The city’s lawyer screwed up majorly by saying that the cops called the supervisor because they were “trying to figure out what was going on.” The judged jumped on that and said that the cops only have a right to continue the detention if they are investigating a crime – not just trying to figure out what is going on.

The first male judge raised the assertion that due to “targeted killings of police officers” that filming in front of a police station can be reasonable suspicion. Are there ANY facts or evidence that has linked any police killings to filming police ?

On thing you have to consider is that there was a time limit and typically 15 minutes is not enough time to answer questions and get the point across. It’s to give the judges some one on one time with the lawyers to get an idea what’s going on besides reading the case. If it were a trial things would be quite different.

That was so fucking beautiful! When the judge said towards the end “ as in instances like the Boston marathon bombers citizens filming helped the police” in all cases filming exposes the bad guys and exonerates the good guys. CAMERAS DONT LIE! Which is why they don’t want the people to film! They want the option to lie! Plain and simple. Amen for the decisión of this court. Amen for Turner’s hard work. Man, dude, I’m so proud of you! That was so beautiful