San Francisco: The Mission

The Mission is often warmer and sunnier than other parts of San Francisco. The microclimates of San Francisco create a system by which each neighborhood can have different weather at any given time, although this phenomenon tends to be less pronounced during the winter months. The Mission’s geographical location insulates it from the fog and wind from the west.

Medina, Washington

In 2009, Medina installed cameras at intersections along roads entering the city; the cameras are used to capture the license plate number of every car, and a security system automatically notifies local police if the captured number is recorded in a database.[11] Travelers are notified of the presence of the system with signs that read “You Are Entering a 24 Hour Video Surveillance Area”; according to Medina’s police chief, all captured information is stored for 60 days even if nothing negative is found in the database, allowing police to mine data if a crime occurs later.[11] One of the city’s council members said the system was motivated by the belief that the need for crime prevention—Medina had 11 burglaries in 2008—”outweighs concern over privacy.”[11]