The man who will kill the US Dollar: Saudi Arrabia sell Oil for Chinese Yuan


Thank you for the most current topic of the century. The narrator could have mentioned why the change and shift. It is because the misuse and abuse of dollar power by US administration- military, sanction, regime change, interference. etc.


Amazing video. While researching the petrodollar, I discovered that it is the single most potent weapon the United States use to gain power over the global economy. Interesting times ahead.


Using USD as a weapon was the original sin. now everyone lost confidence in the dollar as “reserve currency”
Investing in other countries’ currencies is sadly not really a great hedge against the dollar given USD is the world’s reserve currency; if the dollar falls, all currencies tied to it will also probably fall. Moreover they are probably all fiat for which they don’t hold any intrinsic value and can be devalued at their associated government’s will.


It is in best interest for everyone for USD not to collapse in a breath. The U.S debt will not be servicable and limitless printing will cease. High interest rates will be needed and liquidity will be squeezed out of the market.