What MBTI types tend to be the more rude?

Te users (xxTJs) are notoriously brash and Ti users (xxTPs) can often be rather aggressive and provoke people intentionally. However, when taking things seriously, ExTPs can often be rather socially appropriate, though not as much as the xxFJs and perhaps the xxFPs.

xxFPs are probably just plain honest? However, their Fi might stop them from doing anything too rude.

xxFJs are the least rude as Fe basically tells you This Is How To Obey Social Norms.

Intuitives might also lack the ability to see if the people around then are put off by their inappropriate actions.

Overall, the rudest types are probably the ENTJ/INTJ, with INTJ being ruder, probably, since they’re less aware of what’s going on around them, which is probably the main reason for the rudeness of these types, not malicious intent. However, ExTPs can be intentionally rude and quite a few often are, making them extremely rude as well.