Sean Hannity had a lot to say about Michael Cohen lately. But he left a few things out.


Hannity’s on-air description of his rather casual relationship with Cohen is called sharply into question by the fact of his resistance to having his identity revealed.

I noticed that Hannity also described his relationship in negative terms — he DIDN’T pay a retainer fee directly and he DIDN’T receive an invoice.

So what is this that Hannity is trying to hide? Perhaps, just perhaps, it is because he engaged Cohen’s services for the same reason Donald Trump and Elliott Broidy did — to facilitate the payment of hush money to cover up some sort of impropriety. It seems to be Cohen’s specialty, and it would not have involved any retainer fees or invoices.

I do not know what this impropriety might have been, but my best guess right now is a homosexual love affair.


.. So Cohen had only two other clients, Trump and a RNC fundraiser, each of whom Cohen paid hush money to women for.  

Hannity claims he just sought free legal advise from Cohen because he is a great lawyer.What did he base that on, his complete lack of clients that he could have give testimonials for him, on TV ads, and bus stop seats?!

The reason why Cohen never billed Hannity was because Hannity agreed to pay by providing free endorsement and suppport of Trump on his TV show. Sean you are Foxed!

.. So, I expect that Hannity is going to get an attorney very soon. I somehow doubt that will be Cohen.
Good luck finding one who isn’t either client-tied to this situation already or who doesn’t want any part of it.


Sean Hannity is a multi-millionaire…he can afford any attorney in the world. Why in the world would he be involved with a low life like Michael Cohen? I don’t get it. And another thing….it’s astonishing how these people keep implicating each other and putting themselves at legal risk. Trump says “ask Michael Cohen”, putting Cohen in legal crosshairs; Cohen’s attorneys shout out Sean Hannity’s name as a Cohen client…then Hannity denies so now Cohen looks like he lied to a judge. Bottom line, when a porn-star has the best attorney in the room by a mile – you should know it’s time to find new legal help.


.. One simplyhas to wonder why Cohen has only three (count em!) three clients and one swears he’s not a client. So, why does Cohen have files on someone who’s not a client? 

This so much does not pass a smell test…

Do keep in mind that this isn’t Mueller, It’s the prosecutor that Trump appointed when he fired Preet Bharara, who at this point appears to have been fired for a reason. It’s that Deep State hard at work again.


Why isn’t anyone focused on why is the President’s lawyer, who is essentially a one-client lawyer, providing free legal representation to the President’s biggest media supporter and apologist. Question: Did Candidate and/or President Trump directly or indirectly instruct or approve of his full-time lawyer providing free legal services to a major member of the media as a quid pro quo for round-the-clock positive media support from Hannity, the biggest name at FOX News? At the least, it seems to me that conflict rules might have required Cohen to obtain a conflict waiver from both Trump and Hannity in case there were ever litigation or another type of conflict–not hard to imagine. If Trump knew and he used Hannity to as part of his unofficial White House communication office to tamp down the Stormy/Cohen saga, it would seem to be a big story. Maybe I’ve reading far too much news since the last election.

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Episode 244: Cultural Lies, Human Longings & the Gospel w/Trevin Wax

2 Myths of your Phone

  1. You have all the knowledge you need with this phone.
  2. The phone makes you the center of the world

There are three types of online comments:

  1. amen.
  2. how dare you.
  3. you’ve betrayed me.   (Were looking for confirmation, but were challenged) link

People that disagree with you are either ignorant or evil.

Posting to social media makes you significant.

It’s actually exhausting to have your best life now, be true to yourself, etc, to always be happy.   To find out what you most want and pursue it enough.

You have to win people with their felt need.  link

The gospel uncovers deeper needs than the superficial felt needs.

If our understanding of marriage looks like the rest of the world, but we persuade people on gay marriage, that’s not enough.


Skye steals Phil’s ukulele, sending Phil into an emotional tailspin. And Trevin Wax joins the podcast to talk about the lies we pick up from our culture, the longings we find beneath the lies, and how the gospel and the local church help us cut through the noise to offer real answers to our deepest longings.