Saagar Enjeti: How Bezos’s Ego SCREWED NASA’s Moon Landing

Saagar looks at how the ego of Jeff Bezos has thwarted NASA’s plans to land on the moon in what constitutes a massive blow to the future of Space exploration

Hunter Biden Caught Soliciting $2 MILLION To Unfreeze Libyan Assets

Hunter is not selling any art he’s cleaning some money and we all know it!

Hunter Biden’s ‘art.’ That story was so offensive to real, practicing artists that have worked hard their entire lives, went to school for art, worked horrible jobs to fund our ability to create art. So gross. And of course the gallery side of the arts plays ball. This kind of stuff happens everyday in the art world. Most unregulated industry in the world.

Republicans and democrats are two royal families fighting for the throne, while the peasants pick a team to cheer for.

Corruption runs in powerful families

This kind of SH** is why “Drain the swamp” was such an effective slogan.

It doesn’t MATTER if he drained it or not, the fact is there was a swamp to drain to begin with.

I can’t wait to see how this is covered by the mainstream, national news.
Oh, wait.

If only there was warning signs of the Biden family corruption…….. 🤡

This so amazing. This is BLATANT corruption, and yet these emails are so goddamn casual.

UGH. Hate this goddamn oligarchy.

Gstaad is known as a major ski resort and a popular destination amongst high society and the international jet set.

I love how it reads like it would have been more of a positive if he’d chased high class hookers instead lmao

You know you’re dealing with a real justice democrat when they don’t know how to pronounce Gstaad.

Im sure this will be CNN’s top story today right?

A lot of us knew about this before November 2020 – all this was in that laptop

James Goldsmith: A Prescient View of Free Trade


Tuesday 11/15/1994

A discussion on the General Agreement on Trade with Sir James Goldsmith and Laura D’Andrea Tyson.

  • Charlie Rose’s dismissive attitude towards Mr Goldsmith seems to reflect the establishment view.
  • Laura D’Andrea Tyson concedes his point about outsourcing, but says the horse is out of the barn and it won’t get worse.  She argues the Uruguay round will help American firms export more, while Goldsmith says instead that firms will setup factories in the lowest-cost developing world and ship to the developed world.

We should be compiling links of sources claiming WSB is for silver Discussion

We’re not. Plain and simple. Anyone who frequents WSB knows this.

This means whatever media source is indicating this to be the case is a sellout and their credibility should be in serious question since they either

1) don’t do their due diligence, or

2) are okay with getting their strings pulled to be used as tools by the wealthy to manipulate masses.

If there was any doubt of these hedge fund’s influence and manipulate, this whole “WSB going silver” just put that conspiracy theory to rest and only does more to confirm that the game has always been rigged against the average person.

Edit: You know what would be AMAZING?? This was an idea already thrown out there, but if the mods could use twitter (and by pinning a statement on this subreddit) to invalidate the silver BS… That would be SUCH a great fucking move. Maybe a message like “There is no sentiment among WSB members to buy SLV stock and the little that exists is under scrutiny of WSB members”. That would just slam the door on any sources propagating that false information and call them out on their BS (because it’s just so obviously untrue). It would also make it clear for those checking the credibility of this fake news that the silver hype is a fabrication by variables outside of WSB and inform them of how convenient it is for hedge funds if people pulled from GME, and supported a stock they own massive shares of.

This goes without saying that I’m holding GME till the very end. Given how the media and some brokerages have gotten involved (and in a not so subtle way that benefits the hedge funds), it’s not even about the money anymore. And that’s coming from someone with student loans who stands to profit by exiting right now. Money comes and goes, but getting to witness firsthand just how rigged the system is and knowing who’s involved in keeping people in line is just something you can’t put a price tag on.