CRIMINAL TRESPASS- THEY DONT NEED AN ID! Do not let them trick you@

Carolina, you asked: “What could they do differently if they are in that position [being trespassed from a public place].” Unfortunately, as discouraging as this is, a person has to be willing to possibly go to jail and take the incident to court. They know that people are ‘nearly always’ not prepared to do that or that they do not have the knowledge or resources to successfully legally challenge the officer’s violations in the courts, and because of that, they realize they can behave as tyrants and get away with it over 99.9% of the time – and even when challenged legally, they have some protection of qualified immunity. However, in some cases, and it is rare, their qualified immunity can be challenged and lost leaving them personally accountable for violating your civil/constitutional rights.
For those who have these essential five things:
  1. the will,
  2. opportunity,
  3. temperament,
  4. legal knowledge
  5. and resources

to go down this road, it is my opinion that you have a noble and important civil obligation to challenge this kind of tyrant behavior (by standing up for, and preserving, the constitutional rights on behalf of all our fellow citizens). So in these situations, you should not leave on your own power if you know you have a right to be where you are in public. Don’t resist, but do not collaborate with them removing you (for example, go limp, don’t ID, don’t answer questions, etc.). When you are carried outside (if it comes to that), when you have the opportunity, go back inside peacefully and without force or initiating contact, and repeat. You will either get to stay because you called their bluff, or more likely, they will remove you again or arrest you. It is very important to capture all of your activity, and their activity, as fully as you can, because this will be compelling evidence to convict you, or to exonerate you, and to have the evidence you need to file suit for the damages if you are exonerated. You should realize that there are no guarantees because just like there are tyrant law enforcement officials, there are also tyrant judges who willing to ignore the law because they also know that being overturned is rare. Police may, and are sometimes very skillful at, doing everything they can to

  • get under your skin,
  • manipulate you,
  • dominate you,
  • use pain compliance techniques,
  • talk over you, and the like,

in an effort to get you to act out or react angrily at them. This plays into their hand, looks bad and in their reported descriptions of your behavior/demeanor, or prejudices your interests in court, and it greatly increases the risk of you making a mistake they can legitimately arrest you or charge you for. While it takes a lot of discipline, refrain from the immediate gratification of calling them out verbally for the pieces of shit tyrants that they are, but to remain civil, professional and even respectful because this will help you tremendously if your video, or theirs, is introduced in court as evidence. And if you sue for damages, you are far more likely to increase your awarded damages by a jury or judge.

Carolina that cop said to you about something you said to 1 of his employees, the cop can’t be the victim, especially for freedom of speech. They can’t give you a verbal. Somebody has to ask you to leave and you have to have a chance to leave.
The cops won’t write a trespass because they know it’s not legal