Why The Media Demonizes Leftists

Right-wing propaganda network Newsmax recently interviewed Hungary’s Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade, who spewed terrible anti-LGBTQIA+ rhetoric and defended Hungary’s ban on LGBTQIA+ content in schools. The rhetoric was received with welcome arms and did not face any pushback from the Newsmax host, which points towards a larger issue with U.S. media: sympathy for authoritarians, demonization for leftists.

“Newsmax just mainstreaming Hungary’s horrific anti-LGBTQ law into American TV screens with absolutely zero pushback”

NewsMax’s Moral Bankrucy is Call Out on Live TV

24/7 News Shows don’t have enough time for the truth.
As they say: “We’ll have to leave it there.”

Kevin Smith @kdavidsmith1
Question, why would a serious news service care what happened on SNL or who hosted other than a promo for SNL?

Lol! “I’d be happy to talk with you about whatever you’d like to talk about…so obviously I’m not going to talk about anything else right now…so you decide right now, in this moment on live television.”

Gary Monte
It’s funny how often the guests for shows on Fox, OAN, Newsmax, etc. are “cut off” for presenting truth.
It’s even more hilarious how often these networks get “trolled” by the honest representation of facts

mike m.
Which one mentioned ‘T’ first? Any chance they get to link him to any story. If the presenter can do that and try to blow smoke up his ass, then the person being interviewed can surely do the same. After all, aren’t the right claiming to be the people of free thought and debate?

“I didn’t watch SNL but I thought Elon Musk did an alright job” wat

My Vue on this
Him: I would LOVE to speak with you
Also him: has the other person on mute

Said: We look forward to having you back very soon ..
Meant: We’re never allowing you to come back on, EVER!