Why’s it so hard to leave a narcissistic boyfriend/girlfriend?

Because your confused as fuck and don’t know what’s right or wrong any more.

This person can turn on the love but it comes with manipulation and lies. You will want to believe the relationship is how it was.

Read that again.

It will never be what it WAS. We live in denial just as much as they do.

You promise yourself you won’t put up with any more bullshit, but you always do. You will completely lose your shit more times than not then you look like the crazy one for the way you react.

You stay around trying to “fix” something that can’t be fucking fixed no matter how hard you try. The lies, betrayal, I love you’s, sex all has you trauma bonded as fuck and it feels like your life is ending if you aren’t with this person.

Lie to me, cheat on me, manipulate me, but PLEASE DONT LEAVE ME! I won’t react badly no more, please give me another chance!

Sick fucking shit. I know.

We beg the very person for another chance that has done the most horrible acts to us.

Shit can’t be explained or understood.

I often wonder if a mental institution is in my future.

They are so damn good at brushing all their wrong doings that started this shit storm in the beginning under the carpet. But they are so good at shedding light on how crazy our reactions are because they are “just trying to love us!”

Get with the picture moron!

We run around speaking our truth and they say it’s a smear campaign. I can see why they say that. But telling our truth isn’t smearing anything. Them telling people we are lunatics for reacting to their abuse is a smear campaign.

They have a story alright but leave all their abuse out of it.

I’d love her to tell the real story. How she led some 70 year old man on and me at the same time. Don’t you know you stupid fuck? “We are taking it slow!” That means I can have multiple side pieces. Even it’s your friends or someone old enough to be my dad. Pay attention!

So back the fuck off and stay in your lane, oh she loves to tell me to stay in my lane.

Breaking away from a toxic relationship is hands down the hardest thing mentally one could go through. That’s why so many stay in them. It’s sick ahit.

The pain of staying is less than leaving.

They say it’s worth it to do the work. Forget about the asshole. There is no shortage of idiots that will gladly fill our spots. You know, you’ve probably been replaced a number of times already.

Work on yourself and forget about them is what I’ve heard. Build your confidence, self-esteem and self-worth helps is what I heard.