How do narcissists choose who’s going to be their spouse, best friend, lover, etc.?

  • Narcissists make choices in regard to choosing people based on the following formula.
    • Who will be the least demanding person when it comes to tapping into my resources while simultaneously being the most compliant when it comes to allowing me to do whatever I want, whenever I want, with whomever I want.
    • As you can see, narcissist adults have essentially the same needs, wants, and desires of as those of young children.
    • Understandably, a five year old wants mommy to provide love, safety, and emotional nourishment while expecting nothing in return.
    • What adult narcissists, time and time again, fail to understand is that having a young child’s mindset in the context of an adult interpersonal relationship ends up hurting not only themselves but also those people whom they lured into believing they were capable of adult intimacy..