Kyle REACTS To Jordan Peterson Going HAM On Twitter, Elliot Page | The Kyle Kulinski Show


Twitter must be like a drug. I have never used it and so I will never miss it. But then I see these people get banned and act like their primary drug dealer stopped selling to them.

Being trans and being able to be yourself is wonderful. But many of us still go through depression because Society still treats us in many ways like pariahs. And then when we end up committing suicide they use that to State that it was because we transitioned and not because we get treated like second-class citizens or social deviants. Which by the way show me a person who isn’t a deviant in some way shape or form, and I will show you a person who is probably deeply repressed about something or another.

Lets say my name is “Jordan Peterson” & I’m engaged to a woman named “Blow-Up Barbie” — jk— my fiancés name is “Jessica Williams.” We get married & she takes my name. Known now as “Jessica Peterson”.

She fills out the paperwork for a legal name change to “Jessica Peterson” & begins introducing/re-introducing herself as “Jessica Peterson”.

Jessica has a Ex- boyfriend who never got over their break up & lives in the same town — we’ll call him “Kyle”.

Any time Kyle sees jessica, he insists on calling her “Jessica Williams” despite being asked to use her married name.

Kyle & Jessica also have a couple of mutual friends. Any time her name is mentioned (“Jessica Peterson”) in conversation, Kyle will interrupts & say “you mean ‘Jessica Williams’?”

When asked why he insists on calling her by a name she no longer uses herself, Kyle responds by saying “I don’t know a ‘Jessica Peterson.’ As far as I’m concerned, her name is & always will be ‘Jessica Williams.’ For 25 years her name was ‘Jessica Williams’, & one day she wakes up deciding to change her name to ‘Jessica Peterson’ & now I have to play along with her delusions?!”

Who’s the asshole here?

If your answer is anything other than: “The ex boyfriend”, please seek help on your hands & knees in traffic. ✌️

He’s a very troubled, angry man and should probably focus on straightening out his own house before attempting to fix the world according to his own archaic and arbitrary version of morality.

As someone who has undertaken a transition myself, I do not hear any measure of compassion in Jordon’s words. Kyle did a great job in this segment with just exercising some basic empathy for making counterpoints. Thank you Kyle!


If someone’s parents named them John, but the person decided they wanted to be called Mike instead, what would Jordan do? Would Jordan throw a fit and go on a long winded diatribe about how the person is actually named John?
Peterson 100% posted that tweet knowing that it would be banned, to generate publicity for his new Daily Wire show. I’ll go even further and say he’s being coached on how to respond to the ban in the most sensational way possible. It’s all very high-minded and professorial.
Imagine being this upset about a personal decision someone you have never even met made for themselves…I remember hearing the news that Ellen Paige was transitioning to male, my only reaction was “Wow, that’s pretty wild”…I then went on to never thinking about it again.


JP is more upset about people choosing procedures that make them happy than the fact that he is banned.

“Old man yells at cloud.”

How the “Moral Panic” of CRT Morphed Into Book Banning & Why

How the “moral panic” of critical race theory morphed into a book-banning frenzy. And, why a disparate group of billionaires, Republican politicians, televangelists, media outlets, and white supremacist militias have found common cause around a new and exciting moral panic.