Here’s Why the Right is AFRAID to Debate the Left

–A compilation of moments from debates mostly between left and right-wing media personalities

00:00 David Pakman vs. Tim Pool

00:55 Joe Rogan vs. Dave Rubin

03:00 Cenk Uygur vs. Dinesh D’Souza

03:35 Sam Seder vs. Darryl Perry

05:28 Destiny vs. Tim Pool

06:31 David Pakman vs. Ben Shapiro

07:48 Kyle Kulinski vs. Michael Knowles

08:43 Joe Rogan vs. Steven Crowder

10:06 Sam Seder vs. Tim Pool

11:35 Ana Kasparian vs. Ann Coulter

13:03 Chris Hahn vs. Michael Knowles

14:29 Marianne Williamson vs. Dave Rubin

16:23 David Pakman vs. Jesse Lee Peterson

17:08 Andrew Neil vs. Ben Shapiro

18:44 Joe Rogan vs. Candace Owens

20:22 Vaush vs. Tim Pool

21:54 David Pakman vs. Dave Rubin

23:12 Sam Seder vs. Steven Crowder


THE TRUTH ABOUT THE LEFT AND MINORITIES: “The left believes that black people and Hispanic people are stupid. That is the truth. They believe that we are stupid.”  – Candace Owens, communications director for Turning Point USA, on “Life, Liberty, & Levin,” discussing how racism, journalism, feminism and socialism interconnect in today’s political environment. WATCH

SOCIALISM IN THE CLASSROOM – “They can’t win in the battle of ideas … They’ve got to indoctrinate an ideology rather than educate in history because if they teach history, they’re going to lose.” – Radio host Michael Knowles, on “FOX & Friends Weekend” saying that Democratic Socialists are urging Socialists to become teachers because they can’t win a “fair fight.” WATCH