Amazon and Big Apartment Landlords Strike Deals on Package Delivery

Amazon Hub program gives the retail giant control over the last mile of the logistics chain

For several years, landlords have struggled with how to manage the mountains of packages they receive each day. Staff at larger buildings end up devoting several hours a day sorting mail, while boxes are piled in every spare cranny. Most say it is the single largest problem they face.

.. The locker program, dubbed Hub by Amazon, will accept packages from all carriers and not just for purchases made on Amazon. They will be open only to residents, not the wider community. Residents will receive a notification when they have a package and a code allowing them to open one of the slots.

Apartment owners pay about $10,000 to $20,000 to purchase the lockers initially and don’t pay a monthly fee.

.. The lockers will also have cellular connectivity so apartment owners don’t have to worry about connecting an Ethernet cable.

.. Owners said Amazon is offering its lockers at about half the cost some other companies previously had been charging.