pyronos: Simple and sweet load testing module.

Creates a “results” folder in the current directory to store all of the load testings.

# Simple usage.
pyronos  get 25 simple

# Send head request.
pyronos  head 25 simple

# Dump logs.
pyronos  get 25 simple -d

# Send requests sequentially.
pyronos  get 25 simple -s

# Print progress of sequential requests.
pyronos  get 25 simple -s -p

$ pyronos -h
usage: pyronos [-h] [-f {simple,stem,step}] [-o {csv,json,yml}] [-s] [-p] [-d]
               url {get,head,options,delete,post,put} num_of_reqs

Simple and sweet load testing module.

positional arguments:
  url                   url of website
                        http method
  num_of_reqs           number of requests

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -f {simple,stem,step}, --figure {simple,stem,step}
                        type of figure
  -o {csv,json,yml}, --output {csv,json,yml}
                        type of output
  -s, --sequential      sequential requests
  -p, --print-progress  print progress
  -d, --dump-logs       dump logs
  -v, --version         show program's version number and exit