How to setup Fail2ban to detect Apache 404 attacks?

Now, let’s see how our Dedicated Engineers setup Fail2ban to block 404 scans and invalid request methods.

1) Create filter

Firstly, our Support Engineers create a filter in the location /etc/fail2ban/filter.d. Further, we add a set of rules to ban IPs that cause 404 errors.

For example, to monitor the Apache 404 requests, we create a filter file apache-404.conf in the location /etc/fail2ban/filter.d. The filter looks like this.

failregex = ^<HOST> - .* "(GET|POST|HEAD).*HTTP.*" 404 .*$
ignoreregex =.*(robots.txt|favicon.ico|jpg|png)

We define the regular expression to be matched under the failregex parameter. Here, the above regular expression identifies the IP address that is making too many 404 requests. And, the ignoreregex excludes the valid files such as robots.txt, and the images.

2) Create a custom jail

Secondly, we add a new jail in the location /etc/fail2ban/jail.conf. This defines the Apache log path to be checked, maxretry, bantime etc.

For example, to create a custom jail that monitors the Apache 404 requests, we add the following code in the file /etc/fail2ban/jail.conf.

enabled = true
port = http,https
filter = apache-404
logpath = /var/log/httpd/error_log
logpath = /var/log/httpd/access_log
bantime = 3600
findtime = 600
maxretry = 5

 Here, we update the apache log file under logpath parameter. Similarly, the bantime, species how many seconds an offending IP is banned for. We always set this value to an optimum level, so that it’s not short to affect the legitimate users, while not long enough favoring malicious users.

Further, the maxretry parameter specifies the total number of connection attempts. So, if a client makes retry attempts more than maxretry value within the time specified in findtime parameter, they will be banned.

How to Restore a Deleted File in Linux

If you’ve accidentally deleted a file in Linux, don’t worry, you can probably still restore it as long as that area of disk has not yet been overwritten. This post will show you how to easily restore a deleted file in Linux.

Foremost is able to search a disk or raw image file to recover files based on their headers, footers, and internal data structures.

Install Foremost

Foremost is available in many different distributions of Linux.


We can install Foremost in Linux Mint, Debian, or Ubuntu by simply running the following command.

apt-get install foremost

Restore a Deleted File

Next we’ll create a directory to restore our files to. Foremost requires an empty directory for this purpose, so we’ll make /root/restored/.

[root@centos7 ~]# mkdir /root/restored

Now we are ready to run the Foremost command and restore our image file. The -i switch is used to specify the disk or image file that we want to search, while -t is used to restore files of the type specified. Foremost supports many different files, check the foremost man page for the full list. This is required as foremost searches the disk based on the headers which that type of file uses.

[root@centos7 ~]# foremost -i /dev/sda3 -t jpg -o /root/restored/
Processing: /dev/sda3

This took approximately 2 minutes to complete on an 18gb disk. This will find any .jpg files in /dev/sda3 and restore them into the /root/restored/ directory, as long as the space they are using on disk has not yet been overwritten by anything else.

Change Linux File and Folder Permissions

Reset the permissions of all files to 664:

<span style="color: #586e75;">find /path/to/site/ </span><span class="nt">-type</span><span style="color: #586e75;"> f </span><span class="nt">-exec</span><span style="color: #586e75;"> chmod 664 </span><span class="o">{}</span> <span class="se">\;</span>

Reset permissions of directories to 775:

<span style="color: #586e75;">find /path/to/site/ </span><span class="nt">-type</span><span style="color: #586e75;"> d </span><span class="nt">-exec</span><span style="color: #586e75;"> chmod 775 </span><span class="o">{}</span> <span class="se">\;</span>