Trump was right about health care for most of his life

President Trump could actually use the legislative collapse to fix health care if he went back to basics and to his core convictions on the topic, which are surprisingly intelligent and consistent.

.. in 1963, economist Kenneth Arrow, who later won a Nobel Prize, offered an explanation as to why markets would not work well in this area. He argued that there was a huge mismatch of power and information between the buyer and the seller. If a salesman tells you to buy a particular television, you can easily choose another or just walk away. If a doctor insists that you need a medication or a procedure, you are far less likely to reject the advice. And, Arrow pointed out, people think they don’t need health care until they get sick, and then they need lots of it.

Every advanced economy in the world has implicitly acknowledged his argument

.. Consider the 16 countries that rank higher than the United States on the conservative Heritage Foundation’s Index of Economic Freedom. All except Singapore (which has a unique state-driven approach) have universal health-care systems that can be described as single-payer (Medicare for all), government-run (the British model) or Obamacare-plus (private insurance with a real mandate that everyone opt in). Hong Kong, often considered the most unregulated market in the world, has a British-style government-run system. Switzerland, one of the most business-friendly countries, had a private insurance system just like the United States’ but found that, to make it work, it had to introduce a mandate.

..Taiwan, another free-market haven. In 1995, 41 percent of its population was uninsured and the country had very poor health outcomes. The government decided to canvass the world for the best ideas before instituting a new framework. It chose Medicare for all, a single government payer, with multiple private providers.
.. among industrialized countries the United States is in the middle of the pack for wait times, behind even Britain
.. Americans use less care than the average for developed countries when it comes to things such as seeing a doctor and spending time in the hospital. The problem with the free market is that there is little profit in prevention and lots in crisis care.
.. “I’m a conservative on most issues but a liberal on this one. We should not hear so many stories of families ruined by healthcare expenses. . . . We must have universal healthcare. . . . The Canadian plan . . . helps Canadians live longer and healthier than Americans. There are fewer medical lawsuits, less loss of labor to sickness, and lower costs to companies paying for the medical care of their employees. . . . We need, as a nation, to reexamine the single-payer plan, as many individual states are doing.”

Kenneth Arrow Won Nobel in Economics and Dazzled Colleagues

Stanford economist examined group decision-making and medical-care market

 When he started a question with the phrase “I don’t understand,” he was being polite, said John Shoven, a Stanford economist: “He usually could have started the question with ‘You don’t understand.’”
.. He presented mathematical proof “that when there are numerous options and a diversity of opinions no voting system can be completely fair,”
.. he examined the problem of “asymmetric information” in the market for medical services and insurance.
.. Dr. Arrow’s family tree was decked with eminent economists. His nephew Lawrence Summers is a former Treasury Secretary and president of Harvard. A relative by marriage, Paul A. Samuelson, also won a Nobel in economics, while his sister Anita and her husband, Robert Summers, were economists and both taught at the University of Pennsylvania.