David Cay Johnston, John Nichols, Joshua Green & Katy Tur Disucss The Trump Admin

Katy Tur: Donald Trump is not complicated: it’s a very simple formula — how does this affect Donald Trump

Joshua Green: Trump is an incredible intuitive politician (8:29)  Sam Nunberg gave him the idea for the wall and he tried it out in Iowa and then he riffed on it: Mexico will pay for it, No one builds like Trump.  He tries to figure out what will make the crowd roar.

19:30 He would bury one controversy with another controversy.  He would steal coverage from Obama by calling for a Muslim Ban.  During the Democratic convention, he asked Russia for help with the emails.

If there is any down time, he needs attention.

Trump wouldn’t have been president without Stephen Bannon, because Bannon brought the focus on immigration and egged him on.  After the bad publicity for the Elevator Speech, Bannon had him pay a visit to the border.  Bannon had spent years studying how to tear down Hillary.

Bannon, as a finance and Hollywood guy, had a lot of experience manipulating rich men.

28:04” : You can’t calculate how much WikiLeaks helped Trump:  October 7, the day that the Access Hollywood tape came out,  a few hours later the John Podesta emails were leaked.  And the leaks came out every day until the election.

Donald and Stephen Bannon really like propaganda.

Donald Trump was a pioneer of Fake News.  He would call Tabloids (Rupert Murdoch’s papers) and make up affairs with Kim Bassinger, Madonna, Carla Bruni.

Donald Trump was too much of a good story and he did/didn’t know who he was.

David Clay Johnson: the New York Times never scrutinized his drug/mafia connections. (40 minutes)

The media isn’t capable of dealing with the Presidency

You can’t say I’m not going to write about today’s story because I haven’t finished reporting on yesterday’s outrage  (44 min)