What are the talents of an INTJ over an INTP? What are the talent of INTPs over INTJs?

I think it depends on the individuals

But strictly speaking based on cognitive functions:

INTJ’s Ni is an efficient intuition, it sorts the possibilities it sees and arrives to 1 most possible scenario on its own. The INTJ doesn’t have to bother sorting all the possibilities by themselves. They can do other things and not stuck on their intuition while their intuition is working in the background. They just need to wait until Ni has done its job and it will deliver the “aha” to the INTJ. Unlike INTP, they may need a long time just to come to one conclusion because Ne doesn’t sort everything for the INTP, it just presents possibilities, then the INTP decides which one they want to use. Ne doesn’t come with one or two possibilities, but sometimes it can get so overwhelming. Everytime the INTP thinks, “ok, I think this one will work,” another option comes then they will have to think about it, compare it to previous options, over and over and nothing gets done, because of the constant, “but what if…”. Well not really since they are dominant judgers, but making a decision can be really tough at times. Ni also makes the INTJs very ambitious and goal oriented. They want to be the best and achieve great things in life. If they believe someone is standing between them and their goals, an INTJ would not think twice to cut that person off (according to few INTJs that I know, including my sister).

INTJ’s Te is an efficient thinking function that looks to apply their visions to the external world. This makes them hardworking, efficient humans and workers, they see what works for people, they don’t waste too much time thinking about possibilities and other things that plague INTP’s head (because the Ni does that job for the INTJ), and not just that, these guys tend to know about a lot of things that are useful for their lives. INTPs too, usually know a lot of random stuff but rarely usable for their lives.

INTJs Fi makes them emotionally deep people but they really don’t appear emotional on the outside. They appear stoic, mentally and emotionally tough. They don’t put their feelings on the table for everyone to see. They are very aware of their values and their worth and refuse to deal with people’s bullshit. While INTPs are the epitome of emotional retardation. Having Fe inferior, they aspire to please people (though not all people, but some that they truly care), but some people will take advantage of INTP’s naivety, and INTPs having Fi demon, totally blind to their moral compass, self worth and values, are easy targets for bullies. Fe inferior and Fi demon, INTPs put other’s feelings first above their own. Of course with rigorous practice they can start to learn valuing themselves, but oftentimes it’s easier said than done. I however admire INTJ’s Fi. They speak a lot of wisdom through that function and it’s refreshing to my soul (not exaggerating or making it up). Fi makes an INTJ able to stand alone even if the world is against them, in this situation, the INTP is more codependent with people, they will need someone to make them feel they belong to because of their Fe.

INTJ’s Se, although repressed, but they are pretty good with details in their external world (although their Ni is super awful with details), compared to INTP’s Si. INTPs are unaware of their external world, but yet always think they are aware (Se Trickster). This makes INTP very clumsy when doing things with their hands, they often have to repeat doing one thing multiple times until they get it right

I actually had one funny experience with a bunch of INTJs (on their Facebook group). Someone posted a mathematical problem in a picture. I kept missing all the details in the picture so I had to keep redoing the Math until I got it right (I got the steps correctly but not the details in the picture), while they could do it just once (although some INTJs got the details correct but the answer wrong and an ENFP made fun of them lol because she could solve it correctly yet those INTJs couldn’t).

With my sister, it’s also the same. She’s an INTJ. Whenever she does something with her hands, either cutting papers or whatever, she always does it correctly and properly, while I’m very clumsy. Either I cut way too far from the lines or whatever.

INTJs Te along with Se makes them actionable people, while INTPs are hard core procrastinators. An INTJ would have gotten their own apartment, cars etc by 25, the INTP is still thinking what they wanna do at their 30s.

INTPs Ti makes them meticulous thinkers. Unlike INTJs Te that only picks data as long as it works and useful without further analysis. So when they find that it no longer works they’ll have to find another alternative. Because Ti’s efficiency is effectiveness, but Te’s efficiency is speed.

INTPs Ne makes them see things in different angles, but INTJs Ni make them come off assuming and single minded. Ne makes INTPs effective problem solvers. Ne also makes the INTP take life as it comes so they aren’t big planners. And if one plan fails, an INTP won’t cry an ocean over it. There are tons of backup plans they can think about. If an INTJ’s plan fails, it will drive them up the wall.

INTPs Si (when mature) makes the INTP’s memory a bit better. INTJ’s memory is super awful, they are the real definition of “senile” in action (Si demon). This is especially obvious in my sister. There’s not a day when she hasn’t lost something and would call everyone in the house to help her find her stuff. Every morning before work, there’s always something she’s looking for. Always. Either her keys, her paperwork, accessories, name tag, whatever 😂😂😂 no, she doesn’t smoke, doesn’t use any substances in case anyone wonders.

INTPs Fe (when mature/developed) makes them empathetic with people. This makes them appear warm, although sometimes it’s just a show (admittedly), they are more persuasive and able to build rapport with people. INTJs Fi (actually it’s more of the behavior of Fe Trickster) makes them appear cold, appear like they lack empathy, self centered (although maybe not so deep inside, i know my sis is very caring, but she doesn’t show it very obviously, but only about people she cares). (Most) INTJs are also prone to praise themselves, so appearing “narcissistic” (no offense), while (most) INTPs have problem with self esteem.

What’s one special characteristic that INTJs have that no other type has?

This question was anonymously pulled from the catacombs of Quora and dropped into my request box.

Let’s give it some thought. From a functional sense, only 2 MBTI types utilize introverted intuition as their primary attribute. INFJ has extroverted feeling as the their outward means of expression, whereas an INTJ relies on extroverted thinking.

To dive a little deeper into the structure that conspires to create an INTJs uniqueness, introverted feeling and extraverted sensing both influence and support the higher tier of personality traits.

Sometimes they all work together, sometimes they are no so in synch.

Both of these qualities bring out special characteristics that INTJs exhibit that all of the other types can only dream of ever fully understanding.

When an INTJ has a moment of revelation and the pattern, or message, or answer emerges from the fog they have been putting a lot of mental effort into clearing? They lock on to it and accept that as some kind of self-defining purpose. Doesn’t matter if anybody else understands it. Doesn’t matter if anybody else agrees with it. Doesn’t matter if it goes against everything that matters to anybody. Doesn’t matter how anybody else feels about it. All that matters is that the dots were all connected and something with undeniable substance has emerged.. The INTJ has found a purpose. Something to plan. Something to work towards. Something to believe in. And, that is what motivates their every thought or action. The vision that comes from within is what drives them. In their minds, while humanity skates along distracted, confused, and wasting their time on trivial persuits, internally the INTJ believes they understand things to the greatest of depths and clarity. They know the pieces fit. They see the picture. They know both, what they are doing, and why they are doing it.

And, this can also be a huge problem. The INTJ can be very dismissive of those who don’t get it. They can be extremely absorbed within their own heads to the point that all the world sees is narcissism and a cynical nature. To stop and cater to the petty insecurities of others would be a waste of time! A distraction. Inefficient. I have things to do. Problems to solve. Connections to make. Not my fault you don’t get it! Just trust me.. I know exactly what I am doing. You will thank me for it. No.. I’m not going to explain it.. no time for that. And, this mentality only makes things worse.

All of that pride and stubborn independence is perceived as a selfish agenda. But, what can’t be seen, or is never said.. is that what truly motivates the INTJ to be the demanding, cold, distant, robotic overachiever that they come across as being. Their pursuits are the outward expression of the warmth of their heart. They so vehemently want to make the world a better place for the few that matter to them, and, yes.. even for the benefit of the endless multitudes of confused, distracted, and aimlessly wandering people that it often pains them acknowledge.

INTJs are forward thinkers (problem solvers), guided by an internal drive to accomplish great things for those they care about, in ways that only matter to them, for reasons only the INTJ can rationally make any sense of. They measure their worth by their ability to provide stability (in a physical sense). No fluffy emotions. No false platitudes. No manipulation games. No wasted time second guessing everything. No distractions by being pulled in any direction away from where their intuition leads and their core beliefs guide. Extraverted thinking is communicating the plan. Extraverted sensing is keeping things on track.

And, if you don’t get it, that’s fine. Just don’t be upset when I step around you. In my mind, I have things to accomplish. If you can gain my trust, I will put you on my shoulders and we can get there together. After all, I need somebody on my team who can vouch for my sanity!

INTJs are very difficult to distract. They know what they want. They know what makes sense to themselves. They know what they are doing. They are pretty decent at updating and modifying plans as things change, or new information is added, or efficiency is gained by cutting cords to anchors.

The true gift is.. a mature and healthy INTJ knows how to recognize a dead end road when they see it, and they don’t ever make the same mistake twice. They wont even be tempted. They don’t waste time on things that don’t matter.