Why do administrators/supervisors dislike INTJs?

In my experience those truly entrepreneurial and intelligent bosses do appreciate what an INTJ can bring to the table. However those who are not, who are pre-occupied with mind games, power games, trying to lord over people for the sake of their own ego will abhor the INTJ because the latter is resistant to being controlled, cowed or manipulated. INTJs will walk out of a job if such a person decides to target and bother them. Perhaps some of them are intelligent enough to pick up on this lack of peon-demeanour, and they really don’t like it.



That I agree with…Being one I prefer to the things the most efficient way. Which does not look good on a supervisor that gets paid to give directions. I typically don’t need many if, I know the end goal. Is that a bad thing think about it you think that if Hitler’s right hand man would’ve been in control all of the craziness would’ve actually happened. He was pretty sharp. We are not known for being extremely detailed oriented unless necessary like an admin (who’s job is to type and detail those things).

Example situation: Oh there’s a problem. I’m the one that typically would respond “OK” and then five minutes later “it’s fixed”. Meanwhile, the supervisor would want to do a long PowerPoint of how we should fix the problem and the administrative person would want details of what needs to be fixed.

Where the jobs really are not that necessary. If you really think back, in history how many people really cared about the people that were writing the Bible versus the people in the Bible. King James never was a writer that should be a clear sign. Admin are necessary just an FYI.

Most people dislike anyone they cannot understand, especially the introverted NT’s, like INTJ’s and INTP’s

Could your MBTI type successfully manipulate an INTJ?

Any type can socially engineer any type by mimicking its most compatible counterpart. In this case, that would be ENTP:

You need to take into account the energy of each archetype on the cognitive stack:

If you trigger a cognitive function (intuition, thinking, feeling, or sensing), its attitude will reverse to its shadow form (introverted <=> extroverted). The shadow being a defense mechanism, if you trigger it, it’s game over.

Please note that positions #1 $ #4 are true for both for INTJs and INFJs (identity axis), and position #2 & #3 are true both for INTJs and ISTJs (relational axis)

  1. Introverted intuition (Ni) hero vs Extroverted intuition (Ne) nemesis

    IN*Js are intimately convinced they can predict everything that will happen (superiority complex). Of course, this is not a rational belief (perception functions are irrational), it’s gut feeling.

    Just like an EN*P would do, you need to supply the IN*J with interesting possibilities (Ne), but you need to make sure they always have their freedom of choice. If you try to constrain their self-determination ability, you are directly threatening their identity and they will instantly jump into their shadow (EN*P) and become extremely paranoid.

    Therefore, you must plan upfront what is the exact decision you want them to take and progressively lead them to that decision with an interesting pool of opportunities.

  2. Extroverted thinking (Te) parent vs Introverted thinking (Ti) critic

    I*TJs are extremely rational and impartial in their thinking. This cognitive-attitude will be particularly vigilant when being presented pieces of evidence. You need to make it sounds logical (Ti) by providing statistics, case studies, credible references, models, and systems.

    Here, INTJs will accept theoretical explanations whereas ISTJs will need solid concrete proofs but, in both cases, you will need to be thorough in your thinking because you can be sure they are.

    If you are half-assed about your rhetoric, you can be sure to trigger their Senex/witch archetype and they’ll become extremely skeptical and critic about your ideas. They will scrutinize every single premiss to find logical flaws (Ti).

    Therefore, you need to be overly prepared when presenting your plan, but keep it simple and stupid (KISS principle). You are better off with a few solid arguments than a whole lot of bulls***.

  3. Introverted feeling (Fi) child vs Extroverted feeling (Fe) trickster

    Most of the time, I*TJs will be oblivious of your attitude, moral intent, values, social norms, etc. That is their blindspot (trickster).

    That being said, you must absolutely know their own inner moral code (Fi), their bushido.

    Most of the time, they won’t worry about whether you are a “good person or not”, but you will never ever make them walk over their principles. If you try to do so, you can be sure they will initiate a war/crusade/jihad/inquisition against you and you stop until your reputation is completely ruined. Beware of that.

  4. Extroverted sensing (Se) inferior vs Introverted sensing (Si) demon

    IN*Js inferiority complex is related to their performance anxiety. For INFJs, it is all about being perceived as a good person (Fe parent + Se inferior) whereas INTJs crave for being perceived as competent and performant (Te parent + Se inferior).

    In their own mind, INTJs are never good enough, even when they are the most talented kid in the room. You need to reassure them, but without lavish praises. If you are insincere about your compliments, they will instantly become suspicious about you.

    Therefore, you need to prove yourself consistent in your behavior and loyal (Si) to them, otherwise, you will trigger their inner demon and they will become extremely inconsistent and disloyal themselves.

One of the main reasons INTJs are considered the most difficult to social engineer is that you cannot perform an instantaneous con on them because of their Trust vs paranoia vice and virtue. Therefore, you need to invest a lot of time and effort in order to win their trust, but once you do they will grant you their undivided trust.

You might also want to consider Chase S. Joseph if you want this theory explained from an ENTP perspective (instead of my own INTJ perspective):