What is the INTJ bright side like?

Some things that came to mind :

  • At our best, we are actually quite playful. We love to let loose sometimes and just have fun in quite a childlike manner. We act silly, we dance and sing to music and we initiate more physical contact than usual. Honestly, I think sometimes we need to do this – it keeps us sane
  • We make jokes. Good ones, bad ones, sarcasm, really lame dad puns, whatever. We make jokes for the sake of the fact that it comes up to mind and it amuses us. I always make stupid jokes and laugh at them myself even if no one else finds it funny. I’m hilarious and if people don’t see that it’s their loss.
  • We are humanitarian at heart, and idealists by nature (at least, if you uncover the layers and layers of cynicism and defense mechanisms). When we are at our best, we will make conscious and great efforts to impact the world around us in positive ways. (Instead of just complaining and being bitter about it lol) We want to see this world be better.
  • We actually socialize, because it is fun, not because we need to, and in doing so we don’t judge people, we accept them and use our Ni to understand them on a deeper level instead of being overly critical. We are compassionate, but not a pushover.
  • We handle our emotions in a healthy manner and can express them as they come and go, without resorting to passive aggressiveness or distancing ourselves.
  • We are far less serious and uptight when we are at our brightest. It is easy to let things go and let life run its course without worrying too much into the future that it cripples our sensations of the present.