Why do people say INTJs are the most robotic humans?

I absolutely dismiss the idea that INTJ’s are the most robotic humans. I’ve had the grace of knowing 3 different INTJ’s in my life, looking at their stack function will help us understand how they are in fact, fastidiously working for the betterment of humanity at their best, and are deeply feeling individuals.

Dominant: Introverted Intuition (Ni)- After gathering raw data, they create a holistic picture, image of something, someone. Introverted intuition takes time, and is like the flashing of a light bulb. They sense things in their gut, and “know”. Once you are “in” you are “in” their friend group.

Auxiliary: Extroverted Thinking (Te)- They present their ideas, thoughts, feelings, point of view. In a highly ordered fashion they speak their thesis, requiring individuals to listen intently. This is where people might perceived them to be robotic, but they are so detailed oriented, in speaking logically. Listen, and try to understand, don’t interrupt. Logical arguments make INTJ’s feel great.

Tertiary: Introverted Feeling (Fi)- This is where a lot of INFJ and INTJ are different. INFJ are actually more robotic, because they lack Fi using Fe. Fi is subjective, and according to their inner experience and world. Fi is willing to go against social conventions and norms, while Fe, is concerned with what is social appropriate, and therefore seems less authentic. INFP, ISFP users also use Fi all the time, which actually means a sharing of using introverted feeling. Of the INTJ’s I’ve known, they can be deeply concerned. I’ve known some INTJ’s to draw, even write poetry. Many mature INTJ’s appreciate art and even study it. I’ve met INTJ’s who struggle with social anxiety, in the similar way as I have.

Inferior: Extroverted Sensing. Many INTJ’s love sensual experiences. They like good food, are sensitive to smells, temperatures, sounds, textures in the world. They love a good snack or candy, they are sweet-tooths in the same way as INFJ’s. They like comfortable settings. They are cognitive of germs and unclean environments. Most INTJ’s I know strive for orderliness and cleanliness (if they have time).

So in fact, INTJ’s are not robotic at all. Many of them can be extremely romantic to the ones they love, they create well thought out plans, experiences, and gifts. They want to know and study their friends and romantic partners. INTJ’s often love sci-fi, movies, books, etc. They are deeply private individuals, and only with those whom they trust will they reveal themselves. They, like INFP’s, have a deep inner world of memory. To the outside world they look robotic, but to those whom they know they are so deeply kind and caring. They want to be useful, respected, and loved.