How The INFJ Responds To Rude And Insulting People

How The INFJ Responds To Rude And Insulting People. INFJs may be the most caring and compassionate creatures on the planet, but they equally know no limits in shaming people who get on their nerves. Although playing tit for tat isn’t supposed to be their thing, they just feel the need to react to their triggers for all the right reasons.

After knowing all these, rude people can no longer intimidate and overwhelm you in any way. Whether they’re a coworker, family member, acquaintance, or a random stranger, you should know how to deal with these difficult people without letting them get the best of you. As an INFJ, have you ever dealt with extremely rude people? How did you silence them?

00:00 INTRO
00:21 10 Call them out for their behavior
01:08 09 Don’t give them airtime
01:48 08 Intimidate them with politeness
02:39 07 Give them the cold treatment they deserve
03:17 06 An eye for an eye
04:03 05 Do not take rudeness personally
04:57 04 Be an excellent role model
05:51 03 Show sympathy and empathy
06:51 02 Use your humor
07:38 01 Don’t escalate the issue