Police Station Trolling

A good example of how police talk over their “suspect” in a mimetic way.


License plates are not “personal information.” They are literally required to be displayed on every vehicle in plain sight.

It tickles me how heartbroken these guys are over this man trolling him. Imagine taking yourself that seriously.

I love how the accusations of the officers were escalating.First it’s that he was recording a secured working area, then it was that he may be recording people’s license plates, too WHY ARE YOU STALKING AND HARASSING THIS WOMAN!?

“You are missing reasonable articulatable suspicion of a crime”
“We have that”
“What crime?”
“I don’t know”
Great job. Way to know your laws cop.

And what’s so scary is that cop was really ready to arrest him for stalking and if he didn’t have the camera I guarantee he would have done it

I was under the impression that photography in a public space was ok and people have no right to privacy in a public space. I guess the cops know better right?

“Do you know what’s going on in the world?”
You mean the part where cops want step all over your rights? Why yes, yes I do.

It’s scary how the cop translates what the citizen is saying.

Citizen: I’m just out here taking video of what I can see in public.

Cop: So you’re trying to film personal, secure information.

Citizen: No. I’m not doing anything wrong. I have no ill-intent.

Cop: It does seem like you have ill-intent.

Can you imagine the accuracy of their police reports and courtroom testimony?

When a cop asks you a question more than once… he is trying to bait you into saying something they want.

Never EVER, admit or acknowledge that your actions might be considered threatening or suspicious.
They are trying to get you to implicate yourself.
Do NOT help them.

“Do you know what’s going on in the world?”

Do you mean officers violating their oaths to the Constitution and violating peoples rights? Yeah…I know about that.

The cop’s key determining factor is “vibes” and feelings and assumptions and clearly not the law.

Ugh, what an absurd society we have become.

Why does nobody ever say “I am doing a story on overweight cops”.

I appreciate you for putting out good content! Teaching us our rights! I got held at gunpoint by cops when I was in high school for skateboarding on school property after school they also accuse me of breaking in the school I informed the officer that I went to the school and there was no issue with a skateboarding there and he kept accusing us of breaking in the school once he went inside the school and realize somebody else went in to get water he released us the fact that I do not believe he should’ve pulled out his gun threatened us.. I know not all cops are bad but I do wanna be prepared when one comes around.

The cop that talked into the camera just made a fool of himself😂😂that’s just funny. The officer was mad because he knew the man recording was within his rights and couldn’t do anything about it.

I think that officer calling a citizen names is extremely unprofessional.

Baldy picked up on ‘creepy’ when you mentioned it and turned it into his main tactic of feelings policing – “creepy, creeped, creepiness”. He’s the creep.

“You know what’s going on in the world?”

I love his response: “Yea in this day and age”

They didn’t realize he was mocking them… lmfao.

It’s amazing how ignorant of the law cops are. They are taught how to intimate public knowing that it’s illegal.

The auditors timing on “this day and age” was priceless!! Clearly what’s going on in the world is we are all waking up to the lack of “law” enforcement we have. We the People now have the power to record all the bad, horrible, egregious and deadly behavior.

The deputy escalated from a woman who complained “he took a picture of me” to “you might be stalking”. For stalking, they need more than just “he took my picture” because stalking is something that requires multiple incidents over time . A single photo is not “stalking”.
It’s interesting that the deputy claimed the videographer was doing a “bait and switch” when the deputy was the only one who kept changing the story about why he was there.

Officer: “It’s creepy that you’re using a camera here”. Meanwhile in reality that place has so many cameras there’s few places there that can assure your privacy.

The cop that runs his mouth ENDLESSLY and interrupts EVERY time says “you talk a lot.” No self-awareness blue line thug.

Great job, especially 1st time out. Suggestion: memorize your state codes regarding ID, etc. Repeat it for the verbatim. They HATE it and it makes them look really stupid when they try to violate their own laws, which they took an oath to uphold.

I love the way the cop ask the guy what he’s doing, then right away tells the guy what he’s doing.

I love how he adds “in this day and age” to the copspeak, Lol

When are police going to learn that the phrase “we got a call” means absolutely nothing. Just because you got a call doesn’t automatically give you authority.

“He’s extremely creepy” seconds later “You’re amazing dude, great job”