Michael Hudson – Changes in Superimperialism

Michael Hudson – Changes in Superimperialism: The Position of the USA and China in our Global Economic System Nearly 50 years after the original publication of “Superimperialism”, Michael Hudson revisits how the lucrative dollar-based economic system that the US set up after WWII has evolved with the rise of China and the Covid-19 pandemic. What financial weapons is the US likely to use, and does China’s de-dollarisation protect it from such attacks? The book provides a detailed analysis of how the US has used its economic might to control international relations. The book is complicated, but essentially documents how after WWII the US held an unprecedented amount of the world’s gold reserves (50%). These reserves were depleted with the incursion into Korea, and subsequent involvement in Viet Nam, requiring the US to abandon the “gold standard” for valuing world currencies. A failure that proved itself valuable, pushing the US to develop multiple strategies that today allow it to make other countries pay for its military dominance. Michael Hudson is Professor of Economics at the University of Missouri-Kansas, former balance of payment economist at Chase Manhattan, political consultant, and has written on many topics relating to the history of debt and the international financial system.


0:00 Introduction

2:16 Talk

40:13 Q&A

What IMF Policies propose for Bitcoin and Crypto

Tesla gets kicked off S&P ESG List, where Exxon Mobile holds a top spot.

Caitlin Long and Dr. Manmohan Singh: The Real Mechanics of Monetary Policy and the Plumbing of the Financial System

If you are one of the few who have studied the mechanics of monetary policy and the plumbing of the financial system, most of what you learned may be out of date—that is, if you haven’t done so in the last five years. In this interview with Caitlin Long, CEO and founder of Avanti Financial Group, Dr. Manmohan Singh of the IMF explains the massive changes that have come about in the past decade and tries to dispel some of the preconceived notions many have about this complex system. In addition to this focus on the true mechanics of the current system, they also discuss the difficulty of trying to make sense of such an opaque and interconnected global system where laws and data reporting are not uniform from country to country. Moreover, Long and Singh zoom in on the tsunami of change that could be brought about by the growth of digital assets both inside and outside of the traditional financial system, and they highlight the intense focus on these developments by the private banking sector and bodies like the IMF. Filmed on December 7, 2020. Viewers can find more of Dr. Singh’s work here: https://www.risk.net/collateral-markets-and-financial-plumbing-3rd-edition and https://www.imf.org/en/Publications/Publications-By-Author?author=Manmohan++Singh&name=Manmohan%20%20Singh

Key Learnings: The plumbing of the financial system continuously evolves as institutions, regulations, and technology change. Coming from entirely different perspectives, Long and Singh both stress the level of attention digital assets are receiving from the highest levels of global finance and how important they will be to the future development of the financial system.


Privacy Provision, Payment Latency, and Role of Collateral

by Charles Kahn, Caitlin Long, and Manmohan Singh

The new boundary between publicly and privately provided payments systems and the role of collateral may be changing. Recent technological developments have made it feasible for markets and policymakers to contemplate abolishing physical cash, and replacing it with electronic alternatives like digital tokens. This paper focuses on two concepts: (i) privacy provision that results in increased awareness of and concern with problems of privacy in payments systems; and (ii) payment latency, and how the new fintech world is likely to result in reduced counterparty and interest rate risk for corporate treasurer. The paper ties these issues from the lens of collateral, especially the analogy of collateral reuse and digital tokens.

Jim Rickards: His Gold Price Prediction Explained…($50,000+ )

Jim Rickards, legendary gold expert, says soon 👉YOU MIGHT NOT BE ABLE TO BUY GOLD AT ANY PRICE!! 👈I reveal the insider information YOU NEED to understand Jim Rickards reasoning and determine if you should buy gold now or wait. And how gold could go to 100k an ounce!! Jim Rickards is the foremost expert on the price of gold, when he talks the markets listen and YOU SHOULD TOO. If you’ve followed his work you know Jim Rickards is one of the premier macro thinkers in the world. And if you don’t know who Jim Rickards is, you need discover his ideas RIGHT NOW. Understanding and listening to Jim Rickards now, could save and make you a lot of money in the future.

Jim Rickards is a heavy hitter in the world of macro economics and gold. He’s revered as one of the top thinkers in the country and he’s made some huge calls on the price of gold saying it can easily to to $10,000 to $50,000 an ounce. Jim Rickards comes to that conclusion in a very scientific manner. It’s really just about math.

In this Jim RIckards video I explain how he comes to those conclusions and then go on to reveal how the price of gold could actually go to $100,000 an ounce!! As shocking as it sounds its realistic, but you’ve got to watch the video to discover the details.

This is a must watch Jim Rickards video, I discuss the following:

1. How experts like Jim Rickards, Peter Schiff, and Jim Rogers think the dollar will crash.
2. You’ll discover the actually math behind how Jim Rickards comes to his 10k-50k gold price.
3. I reveal how, using Jim Rickards logic, the gold price could actually go to 100k and higher!

If you’re interested in the gold price or Jim Rickards you’re going to love this video!!

For more content like this that’ll help you build wealth and thrive in a world of out of control central banks and big governments check out the videos below!!

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