COPS more threatened by Camera than Gun

I agree that cops don’t know the difference between public and private property.

I also think they don’t care I think they’re trained and programmed to think they can tell citizens what to do regardless of any situation.

I agree, police cadets should be required to take your course.
And seasoned officers should also. And if they screw up and violate someones rights, they should be ordered to take it and pay for it out of their pocket.

You gotta stop man. It isn’t a matter of not being taught. Or not reading up on it. They. Do not. CARE.

They know! They know this is not right!

Problem in this case is no one was educated.
The cops refuse to believe they are incorrect.
The citizens moving when told to are sheep.
One guy stood his ground for a moment, then walked away.

They are not listening to an informed and knowledgeable citizen, they were told during briefing that whatever unlawful action they conduct during this event will be condone to ensure compliance with”our rules”! The upper management of the police department and union will have their back no matter what. That’s why they do what they do because no accountability before they even do it!

It must really make them feel so powerful to give unlawful directives and have people who are ignorant to the laws follow their commands.

They just can’t resist trying to exert their non existent authority on citizens in public. It’s inground in their DNA.

People are complaining that so many police are retiring or quitting and I say good riddance. It’s those older cops who are used to violating people’s rights and getting away with it and lying in court and getting away with it I’m glad to see them gone. The young cops mostly just don’t know any better and these auditors and YouTube are really doing the most to train the cops in the law. There is some hope for the Young cops. The younger cops also grew up with phones and cameras so they’re not as intimidated and angered by a camera.

When the day comes that law enforcement becomes accountable for their actions. All of the reasons that made police work appealing to them will be gone.

Narcissistic personality disorder — one of several types of personality disorders — is a mental condition in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for excessive attention and admiration, troubled relationships, and a lack of empathy for others

Trespassing on a public sidewalk now huh 🤔🤔🤔

A cop that is threatened by a camera is a cop that needs a camera on them… they cannot be trusted.

Anytime police say “I’m asking nicely” or “I’m trying to help you out” they are about to ignore your rights.

What makes this video even funnier they was trying to step on his rights and he knew his rights as the national anthem being sung in the background lmao😂😂😂🤣

I believe cops know the laws. They just hope they can find citizens who don’t know. This way they can boost their ego by pushing their agenda.

My man they know the difference very well, they just dont care. They consider themselves above the law, or in some cases, they believe they ARE the law.

More training on laws, less training on beatdowns

There are so many cops who seem like they’ve never been told No before

It’s not that they don’t know, it they do know but want to flaunt THIER authority. These are cops that are waiting to be let loose, especially in that environment!